Comments on: Mobile Robot Bluetooth – Adding Bluetooth to the Dagu Adventure Bot Tutorials and updates from Dawn Robotics Tue, 30 Dec 2014 22:58:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alan Thu, 05 Dec 2013 10:09:53 +0000 Hi Jess,

I haven’t tried these myself, but I think that the commands given here should do what you want. I think that the commands are sent with a serial write, you then wait a bit and should receive a response.

Let me know how you get on. :)



By: Jess flack Thu, 05 Dec 2013 00:32:24 +0000 Was wondering how I change the name for the module, linvor is fine but does not suit my robot. Read a few articles mentioning AT commands but can’t find any information on this bluetooth device. Apart from that its fantastic :)

By: Alan Thu, 18 Jul 2013 10:13:15 +0000 Glad to help. Let us know how you get on. We’d be very interested to see what you’re working on. You could even post about it in our forums. It’s a bit quiet in there at the moment, so you’d have the honour of being amongst the first. ;)

By: Maupertuit Wed, 17 Jul 2013 15:46:22 +0000 Yes you anwser very well to my question!! :-)

I will read this tuto to setup bluetooth as a serial port on my windows. An after I will use a serial lib in C++.


By: Alan Wed, 17 Jul 2013 15:09:27 +0000 It depends on which operating system you’re using i.e. Windows, Linux etc. I left setting up a PC bluetooth connection out of the tutorial, as it’s the kind of thing that requires a tutorial all on its own. :P

With that in mind, I followed this tutorial here to setup bluetooth as a serial port on Linux (will maybe also work on OS X), and I believe that this tutorial from Sparkfun will work for setting the device up on Windows.

Now, once you have a serial port setup on your operating system, you can perform the communication using your favourite terminal emulation program such as Hyperterminal or RealTerm for Windows, or Cutecom for Linux. If you want to do the communication programmaticaly then again you’ve got a load of options, my personal favourite is to use Python and PySerial.

Anyway, I hope that helps. I got the impression from your question, that setting up the serial port was the main thing you had an issue with, but if you need any more pointers for communication on the PC side, just let me know.



By: Maupertuit Wed, 17 Jul 2013 13:24:32 +0000 How to send data from a PC by bluetooth to the serial port. Is there any port com emulator? I understand very well the part to program in the arduino board, but what I have to do in the PC part?
