Let's Make Robots!

LMR scrapbook

Hey guys,

More and more often our work is showcased on other sites - let's have it collected, links, scrapbook :)

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UUUHHH!! And New Scientist! Wow, I actually subscribe to that mag :D


UUhh.. Hi Res video and all, uuhh :D

 I know you said something about a cameraon a stick but the lack of jitter impresses me. Was the stick mounted on a tri-pod?

Your racers obviously have sonic sensors and yet they claim you've fitted IR sensors! Are they too lazy to read your post or too stupid too understand? This is one thing that will piss me off if my robots gain such fame.

The camera was just on a broomstick, taped on, out of balance, ugly. Good fun, but harder than you should think to actually keep the objects in frame; You cannot see the finder, and have to get pretty close to get interesting footage as you know.

IR or sonic, I don't mind. Heck, in the case of YDM loads of people wrote that it was a hoax, I just find it a laugh :D It IS just little pieces of junk glued together - to me it's amazing that anyone out there even cares writing anything about it :) 

I found LMR through this article about LYDM on wired.


Chris The Carpenter & he's productions & insightfull home videos featured on Engadget.com :D


OMG, how could I ever forget?!? NASA is linking to us, dammit! :D


My first recognition outside of LMR and a wakeup call to improve my videos.