dBm to watts Conversion Calculator

Enter a value in dBm and click on calculate to convert it to Watts

  • dBm


  • Watt(s)

dBm To watts Conversion Table

Power (dBm) Power (watt)
-3 dBm 0.0005 W
-2 dBm 0.0006 W
-1 dBm 0.0008 W
0 dBm 0.001 W
1 dBm 00013 W
2 dBm 0.0016 W
3 dBm 0.002 W
4 dBm 0.0025 W
5 dBm 0.0032 W
6 dBm 0.004 W
7 dBm 0.005 W
8 dBm 0.0063 W