About JJrobots:
We love robots, DIY and funny science. JJROBOTS aims to bring Open robotic projects closer to the people by providing hardware, good documentation, building instructions+code, "how it works" info and a lot of fun!
B-ROBOT is a remotely controlled self-balancing arduino robot created with 3D printed parts. With only two wheels, B-ROBOT is able to maintain its balance all the time by using his internal sensors and driving the motors. You can control your Robot, making him move or spin, by sending commands via a Smartphone, Tablet or PC while it maintains its balance.

JJRobots, proudly presents... the iBoardbot!
An internet controlled robot capable of writing+drawing (and wiping!) on a glass surface.The iBoardbot is a robot connected to the internet capable of writing texts and drawing with great precision. Also, it can erase in a quick and effective way.
Send to your iBoardbot your information from any part of the world. As it has a multi-user interface you can also play and challenge your kids, use it as a collaborative notice board or as a twitter wall in your shop window. Have fun and enjoy learning how to assemble your iBoardbot!
Aaaand the B-robot EVO off-road version is here.
It has been easy to modify the original B-robot EVO adding new Off-road wheels (regular 83 mm diameter RC buggy wheels, quite easy to get and inexpensive). If you already have a B-robot, just modified the parameters indicated below in its code or upload this slightly modified CODE version to the Arduino: BROBOT OFFROAD

The StarTRACKER is an equatorial mounting for night sky photography.
To take long-exposure astrophotos of objects that are too faint to be seen, you will need a polar-aligned equatorial mounting that allows you to track the stars during their exposure to compensate the Earth's rotation.

We do not want to get any profit from shipment. Check it by yourself:
Sending a small packet with some jjROBOTS electronic from, for example, UK to Canada would cost less than 1,9 euros (1,39 pounds!).
Hi there!
We are working in something...cool 😉 Pretty sure you will like it.
That´s all we wanted to say. Happy 2017, stay safe this Xmas and have a very happy and very interesting 2017 😉
Click on READ MORE to take a look to the Sphere-o-bot painting Xmas baubles
The "Outrageous Acts of Science" JJrobots episode will be launched on Discovery Science channel on Wednesday 27th July.
Guest Star: Air hockey robot. How it was made and other curiosities.
Don´t miss it!

Based on the original Air Hockey robot, this new Air Hockey Robot EVO is much easier to set-up and deploy. Controlled by your own smartphone using the freely available APP
A challenging robot, perfect to have fun and learn robotics at the same time
It is faster, easily modifiable and shares the electronics and ancillary elements with others jjRobots like the iBoardbot, B-robot EVO. Sphere-O-Bot (and more to come!)

We have received some emails asking for this KIT:
A set that includes EVERYTHING. So, during the nights, we have been working hard in the dungeon finding the best possible stepper motors, servos, buttons... and creating and stocking this new KIT.
Everything is included, previously thoroughly tested so you only need to assemble it.
Have a look to the video and watch how it behaves now!:

Well, this is a side project. Using the same B-robot electronic Brain SHIELD and two servos you can remotely control (via Smartphone´s WIFI) a laser pointer and play with it from far away (maximum range up to 50-60 meters). It is portable if you use a small 7-9 volts battery (Lipo/Alkaline/...).
Drive your neighbour´s cat crazy from a distance by placing the robot on the roof!.
More info here!
and will stay...forever!
This revolutionary (and not costly) new WIFI module offers a lot of features.
So, we have decided to embed it in our robot Brains.
The result:
lower prices and increased capabilities.
Now, for example, the New B-Robot Electronic Brain comes with the WIFI module already integrated, for much less money!
Have a look to the SHOP!