iBoardbot. The internet controlled whiteboard robot
The iBoardbot is a robot connected to the internet capable of writing texts and drawing with great precision. Also, it can erase in a quick and effective way. Send to your iBoardbot your information from any part of the world. As it has a multi-user interface you can also play and challenge your kids, use it as a collaborative notice board or as a twitter wall in your shop window.
Take a look to a LIVE DEMO of the iBoardbot control WebApp here*
*The above WebApp link does not belong to any real iBoarbot. Play with it as much as you want
- Drawing mode: It can precisely draw what you assign to it. Different users will be able to collaborate with the drawing at the same time from different devices and world places. No matter how far the drawer is; the drawing precision will be as if the drawer himself was holding the pen with his hands
- Graphics mode: Upload and draw your own graphics using the iBoardbot´s webAPP!
- Text mode: Send any text. The iBoardbot will adjust it to the right size so it can fit on the board and it will draw it using its own font. Just type it and click/tap on SEND
- IFTTT integrated: Why not send the subject of an email you just have received to the iBoardbot? Or use the iBoardbot as a Twitter wall? Or write the last SMS you have got? Or display the temperature of your home? the weather forecast maybe? The last tweet from your favourite music band? or… there are as many possibilities as possible recipes. Create your own recipe!
The iBoardbot KIT
The kit is easy to assemble in an hour or so, and only requires a couple of basic tools like screwdrivers plus internet access to control the iBoardbot

The KIT includes:
All you need to create your own IBoardbot. Just follow the assembly instructions in order to set it up (the glass of your choice can be added to the KIT as an option.See below). With this KIT you won´t have problems getting the right cables, power supply, belts, bushings, bolts…It is just assembling
- GT2 timing belt (two segments of 53+100 cms)
- pulley gt2 20 tooth
- 608 bearing
- 623 bearing
- Stainless steel round bar (8mmØ,450mm length)
- 2x round anodised aluminium tube (6mmØ, 205 mm length)
- 4x 30 cms servo cable extender
- 2x 1.8deg HIGH QUALITY NEMA 17 Stepper motors (40mm length) (4.4Kg/cm torque)
- Motor cables (14+70 cms length do the job)
- 2x SG90 servo
- Arduino Leonardo compatible
- jjRobots Brain Shield
- 2x A4988 Stepper motor drivers
- Power supply 12v/2A
- 2x copper bushing (8x11×22)
- 6mm M3 bolts
- 16mm M3 bolts
- M3 nuts
- 1x M3 self locking nuts
- 3mm wide/100mm long zip ties (~x10)
- 5mmØ cable wrap (~90 cms)
- 1x Staedtler MARKER (black)

iBoardbot. The internet controlled whiteboard robot. PLUG & PLAY VERSION
The iBoardbot is a robot connected to the internet capable of writing texts and drawing with great precision. Also, it can erase in a quick and effective way. Send to your iBoardbot your information from any part of the world. As it has a multi-user interface you can also play and challenge your kids, use it as a collaborative notice board or as a twitter wall in your shop window.
Customers reviews:
- Drawing mode: It can precisely draw what you assign to it. Different users will be able to collaborate with the drawing at the same time from different devices and world places. No matter how far the drawer is; the drawing precision will be as if the drawer himself was holding the pen with his hands
- Graphics mode: Upload and draw your own graphics using the iBoardbot´s webAPP!
- Text mode: Send any text. The iBoardbot will adjust it to the right size so it can fit on the board and it will draw it using its own font. Just type it and click/tap on SEND
- IFTTT integrated: Why not send the subject of an email you just have received to the iBoardbot? Or use the iBoardbot as a Twitter wall? Or write the last SMS you have got? Or display the temperature of your home? the weather forecast maybe? The last tweet from your favourite music band? or… there are as many possibilities as possible recipes. Create your own recipe!
The “Plug & Play” PREMIUM KIT has been assembled using:
- GT2 timing belt (two segments of 53+100 cms)
- pulley gt2 20 tooth
- 608 bearing
- 623 bearing
- Stainless steel round bar (8mmØ,450mm length)
- 2x round anodised aluminium tube (6mmØ, 205 mm length)
- 4x 30 cms servo cable extender
- 2x 1.8deg HIGH QUALITY NEMA 17 Stepper motors (40mm length) (4.4Kg/cm torque)
- Motor cables (14+70 cms length do the job)
- 2x SG90 servo
- Arduino Leonardo compatible
- jjRobots Brain Shield
- 2x A4988 Stepper motor drivers
- Power supply 12v/2A
- 2x copper bushing (8x11×22)
- 6mm M3 bolts
- 16mm M3 bolts
- M3 nuts
- 1x M3 self locking nuts
- 3mm wide/100mm long zip ties (~x10)
- 5mmØ cable wrap (~90 cms)
- 1x Staedtler MARKER (black)

jjRobots electronic brain shield v3.0 (Devia)
JJrobots´s Brain SHIELD. Created to simplify the set up and integration of all the different devices involved in the jjrobots projects.
This SHIELD has:
- TWO stepper motor OUTPUTs
- I2C communications
- Push button (customisable)
- SENSOR port (SONAR, IR…)
- ESP12-E (ESP8266) WIFI module (you can communicate to this SHIELD from any smartphone/tablet/PC using it)
Some OPEN robots you can create with this Brain Shield:
- B-ROBOT EVO is a remotely controlled self-balancing arduino robot created with 3D printed parts. With only two wheels, B-ROBOT is able to maintain his balance all the time by using his internal sensors and driving the motors. You can control your Robot, making him moving or spinning, by sending command through a Smartphone, Tablet or PC while he keeps the balance.
- The iBoardbot is an internet controlled robot capable of writing+drawing (and wiping!) on a glass surface.
- Remotely controlled Torch/ Laser robot: Laser pointer is a remotely controlled Arduino robot created with 3D printed parts. With only two servos, this robot is able to point any object in the X and Y axis.
- Sphere-O-Bot: The Sphere-O-bot is a friendly art robot that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects from the size of a ping pong ball to a large duck egg (4-9 cm).
- Many more to come!
NOTE: There are FULL ROBOT KITS ready to be sent to you in the SHOP (scroll down to the very end of this page to see them too)

This is the motor used in every jjRobot. You liked the motors that came with your kit and want another pack of two? Do you like its sturdiness and its connector (forget to solder every time you have to change the cable length) ? This is the perfect stepper motor for MAKERs and Robots enthusiasts.
Select the cable you want with each motor for free!
Manufacturer Part Number | MT-1703HS168A |
Step Angle | 1.8° |
Step Accuracy | <5% |
Holding Torque | 45 N·cm (62oz.in) |
Rated Current/phase | 1.68A |
Phase Resistance | 1.65ohms |
Voltage | 12-24 V |
Inductance | 3.6mH±20%(1KHz) |
Weight | 280g |

The most AWESOME robotics KIT
The robotic KIT you were looking for (and you didn´t know). Create very different OPEN SOURCE robots using the same electronics and ancillary elements. Everything can be modified, Hacked and customised!
Fight battles with your remotely controlled B-robot, play with your torch from 50 meters away, send messages to your friend using the Iboardbot!, paint balls/eggs using your own pens or…create your new awesome robot from scratch!
Do you think you can improve or hack any of these robots? Do it! They are OPEN SOURCE robots, so all the info,know how and code is available for everyone. Share the knowledge! (and take a look to the JJrobots FORUM)
The robots you can create from this KIT: