The iBoardbot is a robot connected to the internet capable of writing texts and drawing with great precision. Also, it can erase in a quick and effective way. Send to your iBoardbot your information from any part of the world. As it has a multi-user interface you can also play and challenge your kids, use it as a collaborative notice board or as a twitter wall in your shop window. Have fun and enjoy learning how to assemble your iBoardbot!
The iBoardbot is able to reproduce what you remotely draw using its web application from any part of the world and any device: a laptop, a smartphone or a tablet. From a web app that can be shared, the user will find the necessary apps for the control of the board. You will be able to draw, write a text of your choice (even from the other side of the world!) and to access the iBoardbot´s configuration menu . This drawing robot can be used at the same time by as many users as you want.

The Iboardbot is a DIY robot designed by JJRobots under the following rule: all the robot projects should be assembled using the same components we have used before
(and these components can also be used in future projects).

We wanted an autonomous remotely controlled drawing robot with access to the internet. And It had to fullfil the following:
A web application (so it can be independent from the platform we are using at that moment) will send your drawing/text to the CLOUD. In the same way, the robot, with its capacity to access to the internet, will “display” that information on the board
This robot, with its open API for developers will allow anyone to make the most of its possibilities. E.g.: Writing Tweets with a specific Hashtag, displaying motivational quotes, showing the weather forecast in your city, ifttt recipes, thelatest reviews about your shop or your company… So much opportunity, so many possibilities!

Take a look to a LIVE DEMO of the WebApp here*
*The above WebApp link does not belong to any real iBoarbot. Play with it as much as you want
WebAPP features:

Send any text. The iBoardbot will adjust it to the right size so it can fit on the board and it will draw it using its own font. Just type it and click/tap on SEND

Quotes! Why about writing motivational quotes? 😉

It can precisely draw what you assign to it. Different users are able to collaborate with the drawing at the same time from different devices and world places. No matter how far the drawer is; the drawing precision will be as if the drawer himself was holding the pen with his hands.

There is an online gallery where you can choose any already uploaded designs or you can also upload your own graphics using the WEB APP

The WEBAPP can “vectorize” any image into a iboardbot image in real time

The same electronics and most of the ancillary elements (e.g. motors)
can also be used to build a B-robot EVO, Sphere-O-BOT…

The iBoardbot is a robot based on an Arduino board (atmega32u4) with a wifi module with the ability to connect to cloud services. When you write a text in the app or draw with your fingers, this information is sent to the servers (in the CLOUD) then, is processed (vectorization) and splitted into smaller packets of data that are sent to the iBoardbot in order to draw your message in almost real time.
There is a queue of pending tasks for every single robot in the server. The iBoardbot robot handles this queue, so you don´t need to wait to send new tasks!
This is a 2D drawing robot with a simple design and a great accuracy. It uses stepper motors, bearings and timing belts as its mechanical structure.
This “display robot” has an integrated eraser in the drawing header so you can wipe the board automatically and continuously send as many messages or graphics as you want!
The Software/Code: There is available an open API, so developers can easily make the most of it to generate powerful applications (a weather forecast display, wall info from your social networks, games…)
The iBoardbot firmware is open source and the server protocol is open as well, so you can hack it to your needs or set up your own cloud services.

iBoardbot fully integrated with IFTTT
– TWITTER WALL: Create your easily customised TWITTER WALL. When a new twitter with a specific #hastag is created, it will be displayed automatically on the iBoardbot.
– Inbox MODE: The Iboardbot will display the subject of every single email sent to its pre-set email address.
– CALENDAR/CLOCK MODE: Send any message/event alarm whenever you want to the iBoardbot. Just write it down in your GOOGLE CALENDAR (set a day and time), and the iBoardbot will draw it. (Would you like to wake up with a motivational quote every day?JUSTDO IT!).
– Send notes, reminders… from your POCKET or your EVERNOTE account. Let your imagination fly! There are a lot of possibilities with this IFTTT integration! Bring the CLOUD to the real world!
All you need to create your own IBoardbot. Just follow the assembly instructions in order to set it up.
With this KIT you won´t have problems getting the right cables, power supply, belts, bushes, bolts…It is just assembling

B-robot BRAIN SHIELD v.2.0 + Arduino Leonardo compatible board
2x Stepper motor drivers
2x High quality stepper motors
2x servos
Electronic CASE
Steel+aluminium bars
Pulleys+timing belts
3D printed parts
Power supply
1x whiteboard pen
Including CLOUD service subscription (no time limited).
This is a almost fully-assembled iBoardbot version. Your customized IBoardbot, with a coloured glass of your choice (Orange, green, white or yellow)
Including PREMIUM cloud service subscription (no time limited). You will get what you see, a “Plug and Draw” robot!

B-robot BRAIN SHIELD v.2.0 + Arduino Leonardo compatible board
2x Stepper motor drivers
2x High quality stepper motors
2x servos cables
Electronic CASE
Steel+aluminium bars
Pulleys+timing belts
3D printed parts
Power supply
1x whiteboard pen
Including CLOUD service subscription (no time limited)
Customised colour glass included (White,Orange, Yellow or Green)

Glass of your choice : White, orange, yellow or green glass.