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What technology careers could await your child?


You’ve probably heard a lot about the importance of your kids getting involved in computers and technology from an early age, but you might be wondering what all this could potentially lead to in the future? Brighton is already becoming renowned as the ‘silicon valley’ of the UK, and more and more engaging opportunities are opening up for bright young minds in this field.

Here are four exciting tech careers that could capture the imagination of your child…



game programming

What and why?

It is a given that most kids in 2015 spend a fair portion of their free time managing virtual football teams on FIFA or leading virtual soldiers into battle on Call of Duty. But just imagine the opportunity to create your own video games, if you had the ability to make your own world and characters to inhabit it. Pretty cool, right? Add in the fact that there is serious money to be made here – the video game industry dwarfs Hollywood and the music industry and is now worth a staggering 60 billion dollars, while the least experienced game programmers now earn an average salary of over $72,000 (£45,000).



If your child shows an aptitude for computers and a creative mind it could be worth introducing them to platforms like Scratch and Unity. While many colleges and universities now offer courses in computer game programming and design, we think that a better route into the industry is to use platforms to start making games from an early age in your free time. This way kids can develop a real passion for the industry alongside their regular school studies.




What and why?

How would you feel about entrusting your kids to a robot teacher or babysitter? Sceptical? Worried? What if these robots were as, if not more, intelligent than us, and capable of coping with difficult situations without any stress or frustration? The reality is that in the near future artificial intelligence will become a central part of our everyday existence – driverless cars and intelligent home systems are just around the corner. AI is not just limited to a futuristic sci-fi concept either – the video game industry already uses it to generate intelligent behaviour in non-player characters for example.

It’s clear that as human jobs are taken over by intelligent machines, key roles will emerge involved in their design and upkeep. Certainly, the career prospects look good. Google is one of a number of companies snapping up AI firms – it recently bought the British AI start-up DeepMind for £242m.



Working on a project like AI is an extremely advanced form of computer science, so in order to achieve this level of expertise children will need to start with the basics of robotics and computer programming. Looking forward many universities already offer undergraduate modules and Msc courses in artificial intelligence which makes it an extremely viable aspiration for kids, especially those who love solving problems in abstract ways.



What and why?

Remember Wikileaks or the Sony hacking scandal? In this age where most information is stored in virtual networks, companies face the constant threat of hackers and viruses infiltrating their systems, and when it comes to institutions like MI5 or banks, a malfunction or leak could prove extremely costly. In some cases quite literally a matter of life or death.

This ongoing transition to digitally stored information means that increasing numbers of staff are being needed to monitor and protect their systems from attacks. With cyber terrorist groups like Anonymous running amok, information security teams are becoming a crucial part of any modern organisation. As with all these specialised professions, the starting salary is very high – averaging around £43,000 per year.



A degree in computer science would be an extremely useful asset, though certainly not essential. Companies have roles which are more strategy based – ie. Identifying what needs to be protected and how to locate problems that can compromise what needs to be protected. Those looking at the technical side should consider the various qualifications available in this field: for example the CEH (certified ethical hacker).




internet of things

What and why?

In a nutshell the concept of the ‘internet of things’ is the process of connecting inanimate things to the internet, thereby allowing us to record and monitor every aspect of human life. Put into practice, imagine a fridge that lets you know when you’re out of milk and will automatically order a new bottle, or a dryer which senses when your clothes are actually dry and not still slightly damp.

It is estimated that in five years, 26 billion items will contain computer chips connecting them to the internet of things. As a result, the job possibilities are open-ended and extremely exciting.



Companies wanting to join the IOT will need a team of programmers, designers and engineers, not to mention the aforementioned security analysts. It is also certain that there will be a big niche market for start-ups who want to make use of the IOT – for example products like performance monitoring sports gear. Getting your kids involved in computer science and coding at a young age will enable them to have the skills going forward to take advantage of any opportunities in this fast-growing sector.


If any of these careers seem like something your kids could be interested in, at MakerClub we are offering over 60 exciting and very relevant courses as part of our Big Tech Summer, ranging from various video game workshops at beginner and intermediate level, to coding, to our 6 week Let’s Build Robots course.

For more information check out our website:

By Miles Rowland

One Response to “What technology careers could await your child?”

  1. Desmond_22

    Good insight into future career paths. With the mercurial nature of technology in today’s world, it is important to consider growth industries that become ever more salient as time goes on. Look forward to reading more articles such as this!


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