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Intro to O2 Think Big Workshops


Are you 13 – 25? Do you want to help your community with an innovative event, gathering, app or website? Want £300 and a load of advice and support to make your idea a reality? All for free?


Think Big is an initiative set up by O2 to reward entrepreneurial spirit and help young people give something back to their community. It could be, a pop-up restaurant, a summer playscheme, a youth radio station, a festival celebrating local music, the restoration of a local landmark or building a website for your street – absolutely anything that involves the improvement of the community around you!

£300 funding and free help and guidance…yes please!


You don’t need an idea to come to this event but you do need a good attitude. We’ll help you focus and create something amazing, but if you already have something in mind, we’ll give you the support and guidance required to realize your dream!


There are three chances to take part with workshops taking place on the 15th August, 16th August and 22nd August, each running between 2pm and 5pm – all taking place at the MakerLab at 114 London Road. The workshops will cover:


– Digital skills
Ideation (coming up with an idea!)
– Project management
– Project pitching and public speaking
– The world as it is VS The world as it should be
– What is social action?
– Next steps


For the most promising ideas, an additional £2,500 of funding will be allocated on completion of your first steps project.


To sign up for the free O2 workshops, head to

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