Windows, Linux and Mac
Gnu Electronics Design Automation (gEDA) is an open source collection of graphical user interfaces to do things like:
I've successfully used these tools and it's very impressive. I was creating the same things people were making in Eagle but with better finished results.
- Schematic Capture - drawing schematics (gSchem)
- PCB Layout - making printed circuit boards from schematics(pcb)
- Footprints, Layouts, Symbols: All the parts from all the manufacturers are contained in a single website which is searchable. Just download the parts you want and open them in gSchem.
- Pick and Place and Drill holes: gerbv is a gerber viewer. Gerber files are typically output by a PCB CAD tool (such as the gEDA Project's PCB), and are sent to a PCB manufacturer who uses the files for manufacturing Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs).
- Simulation and synthesis (HDL): (Icarus) is a verilog runner. It is most commonly used in the design and verification of digital circuits at the register-transfer level of abstraction. It is also used in the verification of analog circuits and mixed-signal circuits.
- Wave Viewer: (GTKWave) is used for simulating an oscilloscope and generating timing diagrams based on verilog files.
Gnu Electronics Design Automation Tools 2014-01-12
gEDA gnu open source electronics design automation pcb schematic capture board