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Solidworks v2013 parts files - Updated 4-27-2014 Revision 3

Solidworks 2013 3D files for almost every part in the OpenBuilds Online Store

  1. mqbeers
    The .zip file here contains Solidworks 2013 parts (.sldprt) files organized into a directory structure which matches the left side categories menu in the OpenBuilds Online Parts Store. Hopefully this will make it easier to find the parts files that you need. In addition - for those of you that are familiar with Solidworks Design Libraries - there is a folder that contains only the profiles in the Solidworks Feature Library Parts (.sldflp) format of the OpenBuilds extrusions for your use. You can copy that separately to your Design Library and then the profiles will be available to use in the Weldments tab. I use the Weldments menu in Solidworks, and after laying out the basic machine with just lines and dimensions in a sketch, use the Insert Structural Member under the Weldments Tab, select your profile and the profile will be extruded to the length of the line in your sketch.

    What I have provided so far is just the parts and not many assemblies at this point. I will work further on some assemblies as I have time, but hopefully you will find this useful Please let me know either way.

    Good luck.

    Mark Beers
    kram242 and Pawlenko M like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. n0kjf
    Version: Revision 1 - 2014-03-07
    Thanks, this will save a lot of time
  2. Said
    Version: Revision 1 - 2014-03-07
    I'm not familiar with Sketchup and I prefer used solidworks,
    it will save me time enormously.
    thank you very much for this resource
  3. kram242
    Version: 2014-02-16
    Wow! Awesome job thank you for taking the time to do this.
    5 Stars my friend