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3D Printer - Big Size

Discussion in '3D printers' started by AK-Creation, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. AK-Creation

    AK-Creation Well-Known Builder

    AK-Creation published a new build:

    Read more about this build...
  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    @AK-Creation What is the largest part you have made on this bad boy!? :)
  3. AK-Creation

    AK-Creation Well-Known Builder

    My largest part (many weeks) at the 3D Printer are the 3D constuction with the Inventor program. So I´m a mechanic and must learn by doing to construct with 3D. But the most nerf I lose by the connection between print software and the controller board.
  4. Jeremy Butler

    Jeremy Butler New Builder

    Awesome build! I am interested in trying to replicate what you built. Do you have or would you be willing to do an English conversion?
  5. AK-Creation

    AK-Creation Well-Known Builder

    Hi Jeremy,
    It´s nice, when you like the building and want to replicate it!
    Yes, we can have a conversation in English. So I can improve my English. That good!!!:)
  6. AK-Creation

    AK-Creation Well-Known Builder

    Hi ADarkGerm,

    the cost are not the probleme! To build bigger, I must get longer V - Slot profile´s, .... the cost increase minimally!
    I want to use the building mainly to print 3D objects. So the most heatbed size are 200x200.
    I will create a heatbed for me with 400x400 mm size.

    So when I have a very big building (1200x1200), I can use only 400x400 printsize.

    But I'm interested to watch your XXXXL Building!:)

    Best greatings
  7. Frank Steinhauer

    Frank Steinhauer Well-Known Builder

    Hi Andreas,

    nice build! Can you provide the CAD files (.stp or .igs)? That would be great.
    How much does it cost to import the parts to germany? I´m planing a similar project but i´m not sure what make more sense to import or to source from local suppliers (except the v-slots of course). So far i know there is no german distributor up to now!?
  8. AK-Creation

    AK-Creation Well-Known Builder

    Hi Frank,

    I have problems to upload the Inventor files to Openbuild, but you can download the complete files at http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:190995.

    Import the parts to germany:
    Shipping from Openbuild: 97 ,- Eur
    Customs in Germany: 110 ,- Eur

  9. AK-Creation

    AK-Creation Well-Known Builder

    Heat bed would it not be easier to make the room the correct temperature?
    What about using hair dryers to blow hot air onto the peace near the tool head?


    Hi ADarkGerm,

    I heat the Heatbed to 50° up. To heat a room so hot???
    In the sauna would be a good idea, so you can sweat and print at the same time.:D
  10. Torodd Indersund

    Torodd Indersund New Builder

    Hello, AK-Creations
    Nice build mate.. but can you please give me a hint here? I don't get the files (downloaded from thingivers) to load properly.. it seems that all bolts and nuts are missing pluss the bearings and fasteners... do you know why? is this because you might have a german inventor?
  11. AK-Creation

    AK-Creation Well-Known Builder

    Hello Torodd,
    thank you for your response!
    This is the first time, that I upload a complete Inventor drawing. Today I learn, that I must "Pack and go" the drawing, when I will that all parts be included (bearings, screws ..... and so).
    So I update by Thingiverse the "3D Printer - Drucker (Inventor 2013) - New 1" file.
    So you can download the file again and test it. (Folder: "Workgroups\NotInProject\3D Drucker").

    Please give me a feedback.
  12. Torodd Indersund

    Torodd Indersund New Builder

    This seems much better, but still the bolts for the motors and the fasteners for the wheels are missing.. however this is a really nice build model
  13. AK-Creation

    AK-Creation Well-Known Builder

    Thank you for your feedback Torodd!

    My Pc performance is not so good, so I don´t inclued all screws, nuts ... etc. in the model.
  14. Chrisko90

    Chrisko90 New Builder

    nice build!!
    Which software you use to build 3D Models and convert them to G-Code?
    Thank you!! :)
  15. AK-Creation

    AK-Creation Well-Known Builder

    Hi Chrisko90,
    I use "Invertor 2013" to create my 3d Models, and save it as STL File.

    I use for my printer a "Echinius controler board" (http://www.echinus.org/), that achieved the best results with Printrun (https://github.com/kliment/Printrun).
    But the better program is "Repetier Host" (http://www.repetier.com/download/).
    "Repetier Host " cooperate not so good with the "Echinius controlerboard" (Version 0.90C), this is a "old" Version.
    Download today is a Version 0.95F - work better???

    I use both programs!
    "Printrun" to create the G - Code (from a STL File) and Print.
    "Repetier Host" to watch the G - Code, make changes and watch the G - Code 3D Model.
  16. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    That's a shame because it looks like it would be a great board to use. Thanks for this info and link @AK-Creation
  17. AK-Creation

    AK-Creation Well-Known Builder

    In the next time, I will update the controller board and download the newest "Repetier Host" version.
    Behind a test of this both, I write a report and post him here.
    kram242 likes this.
  18. Chrisko90

    Chrisko90 New Builder

    Thank you for your info!
    I have another question..
    how big is your pipe cross-section of the cable for the motors and the heating bed? Did you use more than 0,75mm²? or would you recommend a larger cross-section?
    Thank you!! :)
  19. AK-Creation

    AK-Creation Well-Known Builder

    Hi Chisko90,
    I use shielded motor cable 4 x 0,5 mm². The heating bed I bought finished. It has a cable cross section of 0.5 mm². For the extruderheater I use cable cross section of 1 mm².

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