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Discussion in 'General Talk' started by GrayUK, May 25, 2014.

  1. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    Way off subject, but, anybody know how to Delete "Alerts". I'm getting quite a list going here, and I can't seem to find a button that says "Delete". Do you remember when in the wartime there were signs that said. "KEEP ALERT!" Your country needs Lerts. :p

  2. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    Oh Dear. I might have started a Jokie Thread here!
    Then again it might be lost on the Americans and Canadians. :ROFL:
  3. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Showing your age now Gray - my Grandfather told me about the war but he failed to mention the Lerts. :D:D:D

  4. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    (Spoken In A Whisper.) I don't see any of our Colonial friends here! I told you. :rolleyes:
  5. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hi Gray,

    I have tried everything I know to delete my Alerts without any success. :mad:
    I guess there has to be a way because, beyond a certain date, they are meaningless and just take up forum space - I am sure Mark will know the answer.


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