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AWC608 Commercial DSP CO2 Laser Engraving/ Cutter Controller

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by DeeFall, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. DeeFall

    DeeFall New Builder

    Hi all,

    I'm about to purchase the DSP controller for my CO2 Laser project.
    It's a 4 axis controller X,Y,Z and U.

    Do you know if the U axis can be use/setup as a slave axis with the X or Y for dual step motors drive purposes?
    I can't find any info regarding the details about the U axis.
    - Can fulfill 4 axis’ control(X Y laser control, Z is lift axis, U is feeding axis.

    What is a feeding axis?

    Thanks in advance.

    Happy New Year 2014!
    May you make a lot of dust and/or smoke this year!

  2. DeeFall

    DeeFall New Builder

    Hi AdarkGemrm,

    Thanks for your reply.
    I'm not familiar with Linux CNC but I've worked with Mach3 and my actual CNC router uses a dual drive via a Gecko540 controller.
    I understand the concept of the 3 axis in a CNC and the purpose of having 2 motors on heavy/long gantry.
    That is my actual setup for my 4x4 feet CNC router.

    In Mach3, you can mirror any of the main 3 axis XYZ with the ABC axis.
    Or you can use these axis for other purposes like a rotational device.

    That being said, I want to know what can be done in a practical-real-life situation with the AWC608 DSP controller.
    So I was wondering if the output axis labelled U in the AWC608 DSP controller can be used or in other words configured/setup as a mirror/slave of the X or Y axis as allowed in Mach3.

    I hope that I explain my needs.


  3. DeeFall

    DeeFall New Builder

    I joined this forum in Dec 2013 too :)

    I see the 4 axis capabilities in the item listing around the net and this eBay seller.
    I just need a confirmation on it's capability to use the U axis as a slave/mirror axis.-
    And if possible, a step-by-step configuration as the manual is unavailable on the net.

    It's a key point to me buying it.

    Thanks again.
  4. DeeFall

    DeeFall New Builder

    The link is for the configuration of Mach3 using a dual drive on one axis, which is what I currently have.
    It works great for my CNC Router, but won't for my laser project.

    The AWC608 in the other hand won't be running with Mach3 which doesn't currently support USB nor Network connection.
    The purpose of me using the AWC608 DSP Controller is to bypass Mach3 and use my CNC as a "printer" if I can put it this way -- File transfer and output directly to the laser machine after design my work on a special software like AutoCAD -- WYSIWYG. So I'm going for simplicity for the laser machine.

    The info available in the net doesn't confirm my need to use dual/mirror drive, U mirrored with either X or Y.

    Reason for this post.

    Thanks again for your help, time and efforts.

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