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Camera slider for stacking focus

Discussion in 'Other Builds' started by Cuong Vu, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. Cuong Vu

    Cuong Vu Well-Known Builder

    Cuong Vu published a new build:

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  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Thanks for sharing this cool build Cuong!
    I love the bracket on the end that holds the Uno and that it can be bat powered so it can go in the field with you.
    My question is about control, how are you going about doing it? Did you write a sketch that allows you to enter the intervals and timing for the shot/moves? Are you able to use the keypad on the LCD to work your way around in this sketch?
    Also what is 'stacking focus pictures'? I would like to see some of these when you get a chance
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2013
  3. Cuong Vu

    Cuong Vu Well-Known Builder

    Hi Mark,
    I did the sketch and using that keypad to input how many picture and the distant between them.
    The timing I fixed at 3 second each to let the camera settle after the move. The camera is connected to the board so the board can fire the camera as well

    The stacking focus picture is a picture that stacked from a lot of pictures took at difference focus points.
    When you take macro picture, the depth-of-field (DOF) is very shallow, so in order to have a picture with the whole object razor sharp, you have to take a bunch of macro pictures at difference points then use software like Photoshop to stack them.

    Here is the setup:

    One of the picture:

    The result:
    2013-12-05-23.54.05 Small.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
    Colin Russon and Public Do Omens like this.
  4. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    So thats how its done! Awesome explanation and examples Cuong Vu thank you. This why I love this site, so many cool people doing cool things I learn so much.
  5. Eric L

    Eric L New Builder

    How did you mount the tripod head? Most heads require a 3/8" screw, yet the holes on the gantry plate are only 5mm diameter.
  6. Cuong Vu

    Cuong Vu Well-Known Builder

    I just drilled it out.
  7. Colin Russon

    Colin Russon Journeyman Builder

    Very, very cool project.
  8. imestein

    imestein New Builder

    Hi, Very cool build. I am just starting out and just as you have done I want to build something a 3D printer but need something smaller to get used to it all. I am familiar with Arduino and wondered if you can supply the code for this slider project. I would like to emulate this build for my son who is getting into photography. Help with the code will be fantastic and would allow me to get this project started. Much appreciated. Thanks. imestein.
  9. Ozan

    Ozan New Builder


    I'm a film maker and need a VERY stable and smooth slider for my videos. How sturdy and smooth is this slider? Can you make an example video where you shoot video with the setup while it slides?
  10. Enrike Raudales

    Enrike Raudales New Builder

    Cuong Vu I want to make one right now, but I have two questions before.
    The first one is if you can share the code. I do not have much experience with arduino.
    The second one is what it's the slider displacement it's 0.01mm, 0.1mm, 1mm, 1cm?
    I ask it because for taking macro shoots you should move small amounts. Distance of 0.01 mm-to 1 mm

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