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CNC xPRO Driver

Discussion in 'Other Builds' started by Michael, May 25, 2014.

  1. Michael

    Michael Well-Known Builder

    Michael published a new build:

    Read more about this build...
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  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Been waiting a long time for a board like this to come a long! Love the wireless capability's and can't wait to give one a go.
    Great job on this build Michael and best of luck on the Kickstarter
  3. mybuild14

    mybuild14 Well-Known Builder

    Could not decide on which controller and drivers to use on my OX build. You may have just made my choice a lot easier. Great build Michael! Looking forward to see when these are available. Please let us know what the price and availability will be. I'm sure there will be no problem with Kick starter meeting your goals.
  4. Michael

    Michael Well-Known Builder

    Thanks guys! We have been working on perfecting this board few months now. Our Kickstarter campaign is pending approval and should launch this week :D ! We're still working out the details on the pricing structure, but we do have 10 beta boards ready to ship the day the campaign ends. The first production run is set to ship late July/early Aug.

    Let us know if there is anything you think should be added ;). Any input is greatly appreciated.
  5. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Very nice board and project Michael :thumbsup: Good fortune with the Kickstarter.

  6. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Sounds great looking forward to the launch! :thumbsup:
    I would like to see an option for screw down power connectors as well as the ATX connector. Nothing fancy but maybe just a couple screw downs on the board, so the option is there for other power supply's. There maybe a way to utilize the existing atx connector so that it could be used for a two wire ps as well. Other then this I think you have covered all the bases. Hope this helps
    Looking forward to the jog pendant as well!
  7. oni305

    oni305 Veteran Builder

    This board never will be capable of implementing the 4th [independent] axis !!!
    Because the pin 19 & 22 on the tqfp package are input only, reserved to the ADC channel 6&7.... (page 4 of the datasheet)

    pin.png schem.png
  8. bobt

    bobt Journeyman Builder

    You also need to have 12v connections so that 12v fans and leds can be attached to the controller.

  9. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    It would be great to see the 4th axis with the ability to be an independent axis or slave.
    @bobt Looks like there are 12 and 5v outs that could be used for fans (looking at the main build page labeled picture)
  10. bobt

    bobt Journeyman Builder

    Yes I did see the +12v and +5v one each. It is obvious that this controller is only for CNC work and will not work for a 3D printer. As long as that is the description then it is just fine.

  11. Michael

    Michael Well-Known Builder

    Thank you guys for all the input, keep it coming!

    @kram242 Great suggestion. Consider it done! We actually had quite a few internal debates about adding power from a 12V ps. The board will now include a 5V and 3.3V regulator on board to power the microcontroller and radio.


    @oni305 Great catch; check out the BETA schematic for independent 4th axis fix ;)


    @bobt 12V and 5V are available at board edge. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. This CNC xPRO is designed specifically for CNC work. In about a month we will be releasing our 3D xPRO with very similar capabilities. Hold tight, it won't be long ;)

    Thanks again guys!
    Last edited: May 28, 2014
    kram242 likes this.
  12. Michael

    Michael Well-Known Builder

    Wiring diagrams added to the build log detailing hookup and different power options (ATX or 12/24V PS).
    kram242 likes this.
  13. bobt

    bobt Journeyman Builder

    Ok - but make sure that the 12v interface does not connect in any way to the heater board. I made the mistake of hooking my LED lights up to the 12v from the power supply to the RAMPS 1.4 heater board connection and boy does it flicker. I will be moving the connect over on the boards 12v connect and see if that does not help.

  14. Michael

    Michael Well-Known Builder

    Thanks Bob, we will definitely keep this in mind as we move forward. Any luck?

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