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CubeFoot CNC

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by andrew, May 7, 2014.

  1. andrew

    andrew Well-Known Builder

    andrew published a new build:

    Read more about this build...
  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    WOW please tell me you are going to be sharing a parts list and instruction for this build!
    Great job looking forward to seeing some cutting videos as well :thumbsup:
  3. Anthony Webb

    Anthony Webb Well-Known Builder

    Really interested in this as well, Where are your stepper hiding and what kind of spindle do you have?
  4. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Excellent looking machine Andrew :thumbsup: we definitely need to see more details of this build. ;)

  5. andrew

    andrew Well-Known Builder

    Thanks guys. I'll try to get a sketchup model together when I have time. The steppers are a bit hidden. I tried to arrange them in the best way possible to use the limited space. The z-axis stepper was moved to the back of the gantry to counterbalance the spindle and reduce height. The spindle is the 400w dc model commonly found on ebay.
    kram242 likes this.
  6. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Very clean and compact build :thumbsup:
  7. DSardano

    DSardano Well-Known Builder

    Very nice. Seems like the work area is larger that the 14cm x 14cm you've indicated. Maybe its just the photo. Whats the Z axis range ?
  8. Protodrake

    Protodrake Well-Known Builder

    Man thats sweet! Super jealous. May have to build one before building a laser cutter..... :D
  9. CubeSpawn

    CubeSpawn Well-Known Builder

    Its a beauty! and I have a soft spot for this sort of thing (300mm cubes, O'course) and while I am not (yet) using any openbuilds components - I have watched to introduction and maturing of this concept with keen interest.
    I have a related project (related to small CNCs) called CubeSpawn

    Website http:/cubespawn.com
    Pictures picasaweb.google.com/103828779781480193226
  10. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    @CubeSpawn We think this is a great open source project and have placed you on the donation list for the OpenBuilds FairShare Give Back Program. Your project is a perfect candidate :)
    Maybe we could see a future OpenRail/V-Slot version of CubeSpawn (FMS) ;)
    We wish you success with the future of the CubeSpawn project.
  11. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder


    Very interesting project, thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:

    Do you have any videos of a CubeSpawn machine in action ?

  12. CubeSpawn

    CubeSpawn Well-Known Builder

    Not really, but I'll be happy to post one as soon as I finish the new smoothieboard/R-Pi control stack -its ROS (Robot Operating System) over Raspbian, commanding smoothie - using MTConnect for cube to cube messaging and distributed control.

    Earlier attempts have not been suitable in my opinion, lacking either power/fidelity/interoperability or reliability so the quest continues...


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