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I request that a for sale/want forum be created

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by bobt, May 5, 2014.

  1. bobt

    bobt Journeyman Builder

    Please create a for sale/want forum as it is getting to be a real pain to track threads for information and all I see are can you sell me a copy of what you made and such. I purchased a set of parts for a ox based machine and did it off line so as to not bother others with my request.

    So please create a forum for this so that it can be isolated from real information for building neat things.

    This is not a bitch about what is going on I just do not want to send time reading about others conducting trade for item that I already have or do not want.

  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    We are working up a resource for exactly this purpose. :thumbsup:
    Please have a look here: http://www.openbuilds.com/resources/categories/for-sale.5/
    Where we have added an example gantry plate resource for sale.
    Please note this resource is on a trial basis to see how well it works. We hope that it works out for everyone.
    There are a couple rules to try an keep it from becoming to much like a spam fest
    • 3 product limit
    • Must be related to builds
    • Open source strongly preferred (items posted as closed sourced but are closely related to open source items will be rejected)
    Please Note:
    For Sale resources are moderated for approval and can be rejected or deleted for any reason deemed necessary by the moderators.
    These rules can be updated and or modified at anytime and may be be applied retroactive.

    We hope this feature will be new element of fun and excitement that adds to OpenBuilds!
    Thank you for the idea of adding this @bobt props go out to you
  3. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Ok so after some thought we decided we may have jumped the gun a little on this. We will now be restructuring the resources section to allow for selling of other resources as well such as software, tutorials, parts, etc.. in their own categories instead of only a For Sale section this should help on filtering out what your looking for when you are looking though the resources.
    We are still thinking this though so please give us a little time to put it in motion. We will update the board with a notice once its done.
    Thank you and stay tuned :)

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