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Lead screws

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Wayne Kiely, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. Wayne Kiely

    Wayne Kiely Well-Known Builder

    Hi all.

    Great site! I can see both this and the Phidgets site getting a hammering!

    I am looking to create a motorised XYZ stage for an astronomy mirror testing application and would prefer to use lead screws for the project. I cannot deem to locate much by the way of examples or hardware (connectors etc.). Are these so new that the relevant examples and fittings have yet to be developed?

  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hello @Wayne Kiely
    Welcome to OpenBuilds!
    You can download this (Acme driven actuators) build model. There are several examples you could use for this project using the OpenBuilds Part Store parts.
    For the 8mm ACME there is a Nut Block that can mount a couple different ways (On a flat plate or directly to V-Slot) as well as a Nut Plate for internal mounting into V-Slot as shown in this X-Y Hidden Acme Stage example build.
    You can also use the 8mm ID bearing as well as the acme Threaded Rod Plate.
    Hope this helps and good luck on your build looking forward to it.
  3. Wayne Kiely

    Wayne Kiely Well-Known Builder

    Thanks Mark for the info & links.

    I'll keep doing my homework!

    Regards, W
    kram242 likes this.

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