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Lens Slide

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Mrpictureman, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. Mrpictureman

    Mrpictureman Well-Known Builder

    This is what I am trying to accomplish please click the photo button on the left of the pages to see the slide in action with remote control

    http://www.techht.com/ Check Photo Tab on left of page for examples

    Another example starting at 4:40 second


    I am thinking of using this setup as the base;

    http://www.openbuilds.com/builds/v-slot ... -build.80/

    If I flip it upside down and add the lens will it still work or is it designed not to be flipped?

    I am looking to control this unit by RF remote control through (DC Motor) ac power outlet it should be able to move the unit forward and reverse as shown in the video. As you can see the speed should be slow as not to damage the lens. Be able to stop (cut off motor) at stop points and go forward and reverse perhaps a momentary switch/receiver? I am looking for the motor, receiver, remote and anything else you can suggest. Any thoughts?

    Thanks for your help
    kram242 likes this.
  2. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hi @Mrpictureman An excellent application for the V-Slot rails, :thumbsup: I look forward to following your progress with this idea.

    Just my opinion but I would tend to go for a relatively low-tech approach …

    Using the V-Slot and ‘break-contact’ limit switches (Baumer Elec. make these with 1 micron repeatability for CNC home switches but the one I made [without infringing their patents], for a touch probe had an accuracy of better than 7 microns) adjustable at the focus end and fixed at the other. The transport could then be belt or wire driven by a geared DC motor. Control could be via a key-fob wireless link (commonly available on the bay) – press to set wide-screen – press to set standard screen.

    As I said, just my opinion.

  3. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

  4. Mrpictureman

    Mrpictureman Well-Known Builder

    I did see the rfcontrolsystem however they seem to have a couple different options



    and not sure which would work on this? I am a newbie to electronics so I am not completely sure what you are referring to with the rest. also what gear motor would you suggest and how do I make sure it does not spin to fast for the lens movement?
  5. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    You may want to go with a lead screw for this build just to slow it down a bit, maybe something along these lines http://www.openbuilds.com/builds/v-slot-lead-screw-acme-driven-actuators.634/
    I am no expert when it comes to the electronics side of the builds as well (maybe one of the other guys will chime in here :) ) but I would think that one way of controlling the speed would be to use a potentiometer from the battery to limit the current to the motor and so adjust the speed. It may be that the unit has such an adjustment on it for speed control I was check the specs but did not see it, you may want to shoot them an email and see if it does

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