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Monster Delta

Discussion in '3D printers' started by cameron, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. cameron

    cameron Well-Known Builder

    cameron published a new build:

    Read more about this build...
    thomas anderson likes this.
  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Looking forward to this build @cameron especially the Wing you are making with it! Fantastic design and its going to be a great follow along. I'm in for the ride :)
    cameron likes this.
  3. Jovian

    Jovian Well-Known Builder

    Really looking forward to seeing how this progresses as well. keep us updated
  4. broom

    broom Well-Known Builder

    I'm planning also a Delta, which is similar to your design approach. I'll upload my plans in the next two weeks. Maybe we can learn from each other. It will be out of 21mm plywood and it will be cut with a cnc in the next month. I wish you good luck with your build!
  5. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    @broom this is going to be a nice machine, looking forward to checking it out.
    broom likes this.
  6. cameron

    cameron Well-Known Builder

    Or there's this, as im getting all my custom parts made professionally rying to simplify and shrink custom parts.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2014
  7. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Whoa very nice @cameron ! Love the minimalist look to this design. The way this is designed looks like it could be built quickly and easily. Nice job
  8. cameron

    cameron Well-Known Builder

    Ok, so i've gone about this like it was a blog... that doesn't work so well... but here's a messy progress pic, nearly ready to get some parts checked, printed & ordered. I'm excited :)

    Attached Files:

    kram242 likes this.
  9. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    It is a bit different to get used to kinda a blog/forum in one. You can edit the build (only you have that access to your build) and you put the build pics and steps in the body section so that they show up under the main build tab. Source files like 3d models go in the files section and will show up in the files tab, etc..
    Keep up the good work @cameron !
    I am looking at this picture thinking that the arms are maybe too long? I found this that may help
    You may have already figured this, but if not hope this helps

    Also you may want to look at the Rostock project it has a lot of helpful documentation
  10. Nick Lancaster

    Nick Lancaster Journeyman Builder

    Yes those delta arms in your render are way to long. I am also working on a design for a delta, and after speaking with Johan the designer of the Rostock. they only need to be long enough to not hit 90 when going to the edges of the bed. He recommends 10-20degrees as the minimal angles from vertical and horizonatal.
  11. cameron

    cameron Well-Known Builder

    Thanks guys, so if we play around with say 85 degree's (base build dimension/sin(85) = rod length, which is a tinny bit bigger 100.4%). I did have some numbers somewhere but sorta lost them... but yeah, shortening those will give me far better control. I just got the print head support drawn and wanted to see the motion so did some approximations and dodgy's.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
    kram242 likes this.
  12. cameron

    cameron Well-Known Builder

    What are peoples thoughts on the rigidity of this frame? might use the 1000mm sections rater than the 1500mm(shown above) sections to start with... the plastic are sls

    Attached Files:

  13. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    you could make it more rigid. When the arms are at the top or bottom they will be fine but when in the middle? It looks like there will be an inward force caused by the weight of the print head and this will pull the beams. The most deflection will occur in the center of the beams so just put a support there. I see that on the outside of the beams you have a v-slot rail which you can attach things to. Attach a brace there and leave enough clearance for the wheels and it should be extremely solid even if the print head is really heavy.
  14. geomaxim

    geomaxim New Builder

    Sono daccordo...con The Dude.... considera magari di ruotare di 90° i profili verticali così da avere l'asse di inerzia sulla sezione maggiore .
    Ammiro la tua idea.... se posso aiutare , dimmelo , perché anche io ho intenzione di fare una super big delta printer. ciao e complimenti.
  15. Public Do Omens

    Public Do Omens Veteran Builder

    Geomanxim says

    I agree ... with The Dude .... maybe deemed to rotate 90 ° the vertical profiles so as to have the axis of inertia on the larger section. I admire your idea .... if I can help, let me know, because I'm going to do a super big delta printer. hello and congratulations.
  16. Public Do Omens

    Public Do Omens Veteran Builder

    My first one is designed to be 1500 mm * 1000 mm
    Work area about 90% of this, plus X-axis is infinite :cool:
  17. geomaxim

    geomaxim New Builder

    per Public Do Omens WWWWW ...... Fai finta che le lettere siano i perimetri di appoggio sul piano....
    quindi con questo modo faresti un sistema a cella lineare che si può estendere anche molto, oppure mi sono sbagliato ????? Complimenti !!! sarebbe quello che vorrei fare io per costruire proto-automotive.....
    ti andrebbe di darmi una mano per favore ????
    saluti e rispetto !
  18. Public Do Omens

    Public Do Omens Veteran Builder

    I would divide the task in hand. GeoMaxim.
    Work on one section then move on, just remember to make reference marks!
    In three dimensions.

    Is this an industrial project or private build?

    Can you please use Google translate on the Italian for all the English speakers.
    Easy for one to do translate once, then all users don't have to repeat the task many times, thanks, just an idea.

    Hello to you also :cool:
  19. geomaxim

    geomaxim New Builder

    for pubblic do omens
    The right question , you have a right ! I can not find work in Italy for 6 years ... ALWAYS respond that i'm " too qualified for the job "! So I started to create me my own reality , that in my heart I'm sure it will be successful ....
    I also hope by this to leave and raise my fate with all the effort that will be needed ! But are you sure that after everything that happened and we ( people who , according to their situations unmanageable , took their own life!)
    I will not sell or even sell me anything, anything I can create with others, or through recommendations ....
    Since I could barely survive (not live ), only I know what you mean fatigue patience and research.
    What's more, for no other reason , morally I owe it to those who are desperate for this whole Italian economic crisis unfortunately are killed, I think you can understand me .
    You are free to believe or not , to help me or not, I will anyway , I will be wrong but in the end I will study
    I reach my goal . I will prove to everyone that , if one wants to can make choices that do not necessarily lead
    dramatic conclusions . Moreover I would like to be sure that someone at the end of the work , I did not steal the idea and ask me the damage for some legal technicality ....
    Forgive me if I get involved in things my own , I hope that emerges from this that I write something more than myself.
    : Cool :
    Best regards ,
    with esteem and friendship
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
  20. geomaxim

    geomaxim New Builder

    In my area, there is a company that has this catalog of aluminum profiles and accessories ... I enclose ... I hope it is not too big file! I think it's interesting!

    Attached Files:

  21. geomaxim

    geomaxim New Builder

    ok i test a open cad sw , i get it on the site its ok. hi

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