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OX CNC Plates listed on Ebay

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Chris Laidlaw, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Chris Laidlaw

    Chris Laidlaw Well-Known Builder

    All Plates 1.jpg 20140426_135550.jpg
    I am offering the set of 4 OX gantry Plates for $150, including free shipping within the US.


    This set of 4 gantry plates for the OpenBuilds OX CNC machine are in the Cartesian routing CNC machine section and were designed by kram242 .

    The parts are CNC machined using 10 different tools, chamfered, de-burred and the aluminum is brushed.

    **Until the Part's store has V-Slot Threaded Rod Plates in stock, I am offering these also.

    Please contact me at: chrisclub@gmail.com

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2014
    kram242 likes this.
  2. William Maye

    William Maye Well-Known Builder

    Just bought them from ya Chris. Glad you posted them up cause I was having a hard time getting machining pricing and delivery. This is one of the last few items needed for my build. Sorry I didn't contact you directly, got so excited when I saw they were available that I hit buy it now immediately.

    Chris Laidlaw likes this.
  3. Chris Laidlaw

    Chris Laidlaw Well-Known Builder

  4. Chris Laidlaw

    Chris Laidlaw Well-Known Builder

    Hi Bill,

    I am just glad you found me.
    I shipped the plates today.
  5. William Maye

    William Maye Well-Known Builder

    Awesome!!! Thanks Chris look forward to getting them and my build off the ground.

    Chris Laidlaw likes this.
  6. Chris Laidlaw

    Chris Laidlaw Well-Known Builder

    Now with my Blue Ox Logo...
    I thought it was appropriate, considering this is the OX CNC. Pincher.jpg Four Plates.jpg
    kram242 likes this.
  7. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Great looking set of OX plates Chris! :thumbsup: keep up the good work.
    Chris Laidlaw likes this.
  8. Chris Laidlaw

    Chris Laidlaw Well-Known Builder

    Please let me know if you would like it with or without the blue ox logo.
  9. Bmoz

    Bmoz Well-Known Builder

    Recieved the plates today . They look great. terrific finish. Maybe my Ox isn't going to look ghetto.
    Chris Laidlaw likes this.
  10. Chris Laidlaw

    Chris Laidlaw Well-Known Builder

    Until the Part's store has V-Slot Threaded Rod Plates in stock, I am offering these also at roughly the same price as the part's store.

    Please contact me at: chrisclub@gmail.com

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