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Podz vaccum chuck

Discussion in 'CNC Lathes' started by Greenman, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Greenman

    Greenman Journeyman Builder

  2. Greenman

    Greenman Journeyman Builder

    If you watch the video he is using a footswitch to turn the vacuum on and off. If you look at a cross section of the podz it vacuums top and bottom. If you made a chuck with just vacuum on the top it could be screwed down to the table. The chuck could be the same shape as the piece you are cutting out. The issue is drilling holes in the piece and losing vacuum. If you had a couple holes you could run a gasket around them. Many holes would be a challenge.
  3. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I have some half inch HDPE and think I might just try milling 2 pods to give this a try.
    I'm thinking an extrusion bed with the pods locking to it would work well.
    Time to brain storm :)
  4. Greenman

    Greenman Journeyman Builder

    VACUUMQuickConnectorsforTubing265.jpg VACUUMQuickConnectorsforTubing265.jpg HDPE is the material. I made one that holds fingerboard. Works good. I am lucky to have a surplus store that is local were I get scraps of it from time to time. I us
  5. Greenman

    Greenman Journeyman Builder

    My reply got cut off. The picture is a quick connecter you push the tubing in and bingo. They have a threaded end that is a 1/8" pipe tape. Makes it easy to build a vacuum fixture. I have to find a place to buy them in bulk so I can offer them to the build community.

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