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Richrap 3DR Mashup

Discussion in '3D printers' started by Mark DeNeve, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. Mark DeNeve

    Mark DeNeve New Builder

    Mark DeNeve published a new build:

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  2. ncbob

    ncbob New Builder

    Looks very nice!

    I'm going to be doing a standard build size, but use the spectra line like Rich did, but use the vrail instead of the bearings/rods.

    Are you going to use the auto bed leveling in Marlin?
  3. Mark DeNeve

    Mark DeNeve New Builder

    Yes, the plan is to use the auto bed leveling in Marlin, but what I am trying to achieve is that the print head/nozzle itself will be the probe to simplify the build. I ended up using belts instead of spectra line. It was easier to hook up and to me it seems to provide the same results. I have not seen any good comments or reasons why you would go with the spectra line over a belt either. Have you?
  4. ncbob

    ncbob New Builder

    Two reasons I'm going to try the spectra. The first is that it apparently doesn't have the stretching problem that belts have, the other is I have never used it and wanted to see the difference between setting up and running with spectra vs traditional belts. Switching back to belts wouldn't be as bad when using vrail.
  5. Brian Bland

    Brian Bland New Builder

    Glad to see this. Exactly what I want to do.

  6. Steven Busch

    Steven Busch New Builder

    Hi Mark,
    Would you be able to share your design for the vertical carriage to accommodate v-slot?
  7. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    So does this require a 3D printer to make the parts?
  8. Brian

    Brian Well-Known Builder

    Got any better pictures?
  9. wayword son

    wayword son Well-Known Builder

    just a suggestion from a kite enthusiast, i believe spectra has a stretch of about 3% new from the spool, i think due to the braid not being set. before you use the line, find someplace to reel it out, and put it under tension for a day. (bungee cord, or a weight works for this.) this will take any stretch out of it. (stunt kite flyers do this so there flight lines stay equal length)

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