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Suggest: Some space in the forum for questions about the shop

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Jay, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Jay

    Jay New Builder

    Some example questions I ask myself:
    • Are there the same shipping prices for 1m v-slot and 1,5m?
    • When will the sold-out profiles will be available again?
    • Where is the place of manufacture of the V-Slots? Only in the U.S. or also in Europe?
    • If I order here, then your goods will be shipped from the European shops or directly from USA?
    There may be some other makers/builders ;) who are interestet in this questions.

    Thankz and Greetings from Germany
  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hello @Jay
    I am the resident builder for our shop so this is not my area of expertise, however (with a little help), I will do my best to answer your questions. :)
    Shipping is determined by weight.
    Right now and for the next few weeks we are busy supplying all of the OpenBuilds distributors form the US stock, so they can have stock in their areas. So the US stock will be low on certain profiles and parts for a little while until we are able to re-stock.
    We have been in talks with distributors in both Europe as well as other parts of the world and we have found that once the OpenBuilds Part Store distributors discount is considered. It is more cost effective to have V-Slot supplied from the US warehouse.
    Depending on stock levels you can order directly from the OpenBuilds distributors in your area to save on shipping.
    You can check the map here for a shop local to you.
    Hope this helps

    For further information pertaining to OpenBuilds Parts Store and its distributions benefits please email the OpenBuilds Part Store here: contact@openbuildspartstore.com
  3. bobt

    bobt Journeyman Builder

    Mark - how about copying this post to the FAQ area as this seems to be a common question for the store.

  4. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Good idea Bob, will do. Thanks for the tip :)
  5. Jay

    Jay New Builder

    Thanks for the answers, Mark.
    I think when you put more infos in the FAQ then you have less work in answering. ;)
    By the way, you made great job by building the openbuild website!
  6. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Agreed. When I get some time I think I will make a FAQ section for the build site but in the meantime for the standard store FAQ you can find them here. http://openbuildspartstore.com/faqs/

    Thank you Jay it is a labor of love and we have a lot of help making it possible :)

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