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The Best "Idiots Guide" so far.

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by GrayUK, May 29, 2014.

  1. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    Just found this, because I plan to use the CNC USB Controller. Although I had a vague idea about the wiring up, I was mainly wrapped up in the mechanical construction, and pushed the wiring to the back boiler for the time being, thinking it was going to be a struggle when the time came.
    However, I am much happier now I've found what I consider to be the "Best Idiots Guide to CNC Wiring". .
    I found it to be very informative, without getting too complicated. Very enlightening, and easy to understand. I feel I've learnt an awful lot just watching this Video. I'm sure there are others out there, but I shall save this one for when the time comes, and not now worry about the wiring to come.
    So, Newbies to CNC, like me, take a look, and learn it's not that difficult.

  2. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Good info Gray, thanks for posting :thumbsup:

    I think this video highlights just how careful and methodical we must be when setting things up.

    Just as an example he said he was setting 1/8 micro-steps but misread the switch settings as 011 which is 1/2 micro-steps. Not really important for the purpose of this video but it would cause some frustration when setting steps per unit in the control software. :(

  3. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    Did you see in the second video, that he saw the error and corrected it, with an explanation.
    Good show
    Change of subject:
    What is the score with drivers? Why are Gecko drivers so much better, and dearer than others. Am I doing myself no favors by buying a set of 4 Nemas and 4 CW5045 drivers as a package? As per CNC4You. And then there is such a vast variety of drivers. Just what should I look for?
    I think I'm looking for an Idiots guide here again.

  4. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Just my opinion…

    Gecko started out just like everyone else but they learned from the mistakes their customers were making and continued to re-design their products to make them more robust (foolproof). They also have a wealth of experience and provide excellent customer support, documentation and backup for their products.

    All this costs money which perhaps reflects in their pricing but their reliability is second to none (OK, their products can be damaged by improper use but then, so can just about any others).

    I don’t actually use any Gecko products but from reports, on other forums, from those that do indicate that they are more than satisfied with the results.

  5. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    Cheers my friend. More research gonna happen now.
  6. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Very wise my friend. ;)


    (I always research everything, before I do it, but I still end up making the wrong decisions - hindsight is a very fine thing :) ).

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