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Discussion in 'Other Builds' started by Brian Slee, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Nice! love watching this build and the progress your making. Keep up the good work :thumbsup:
  2. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Looking forward to the pictures Brian (including Boo, of course). :thumbsup:

  3. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Hey Folks,
    Been a good day today. I managed to get the rest of the V-slot installed and got my alignment caps all built for setting my studs after the concrete pour. And...I stuck a set of motor and electronics up on top just to get a sneak peak. As always Boo was right there to help....

    Stay Tuned...

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    kram242 likes this.
  4. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Looking strong! :)
  5. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Coming along nicely Brian :thumbsup:

  6. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Thanks guys and gals,
    I am adding some braces in between the bottom plates to make sure I don't get any sag when I pour the slab. of course Boo is right there with his QA stamp at the ready :)

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  7. John R

    John R New Builder

    LOL - pour slab! ;-) Neat! How hard/critical was it to align the V-Slots with each other? Boo sure looks like a good apprentice!!
  8. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hi John,

    I am not certain but I think Boo is actually the boss. :D

    John R likes this.
  9. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    I thought Boo was the supervisor, the way he is watching over the job :D
    John R likes this.
  10. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    You could be right Mark - Brian says that Boo is in charge of security but I suspect he is higher ranking than that. :D

    kram242 likes this.
  11. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Hi John,

    Yeppirs...Pour the slab...someone told me that I couldn't get the job done if it wasn't really stiff... ;)

    I wish I could say it was a completely original idea, but, it used to be common practice back in WWII to make large industrial lathes out of concrete because of metal shortages. Of course the concrete back then was not as good as the mixes they have today so the technique could only be used for large machines. I am confident that the new fiber reinforced concrete will be up to the task though even with only a 2" depth.

    The V-slot alignment is absolutely critical...Especially given the size of the bot and the precision we are looking to get out of it. Any errors in the alignment angle will be greatly magnified towards the perimeter of the circle resulting in large errors for X-Y position. I am only doing the dry fit ATM so nothing is set in stone (yet). When I get ready to pour the concrete I will probably use a jig attached to the V-slot to make sure all my angles are nuts on.
    Last edited: May 20, 2014
  12. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Rut Ro Raggy...I think everyone has figured out that Boo is the real talent in the shop o_O
    kram242 likes this.
  13. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Hi All,
    I wish I could report some forward progress today but it was two steps back instead. When I ordered my power supplies back in the first week of April I received one of the three with severe shipping damage. I immediately called the supplier CCTV out of china and they shipped out a new one right away. Unfortunately the new one came in DOA. I sent them another message and they won't even respond. I had to take today to escalate the issue to the company that processed the order. So now I will have to find a new supplier for the 48vdc supply that I am short grrrrrrrr....... :banghead:

    Stay Tuned...

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    Last edited: May 21, 2014
  14. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Sorry to hear that Brian - hope you get it resolved without too much delay to your project build.

    (Much of the cheap stuff from China is manufactured / assembled without any form of quality control and is often (if not always) sent out without testing. This is perhaps one of the factors that makes it cheap. Some say that overall you should allow for a 20% reject rate when costing Chinese imported goods - still makes it cheap though). :)

  15. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Good Morning Tweakie,
    I tend to be very easy going. I think Mark can vouch for that. I would have still been happy if they had just sent me what I ordered in good working condition. What really upset me was when they quit talking to me after they took my money and left me with junk that didn't work.
    kram242 likes this.
  16. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Hi All,
    Well I got the bracing between the bottom panels done today. After I put the last screw in it Boo said "Why don't you jump up and down on it just to be sure!"...So I did. No flex no bend no problem :p

    If I can get the top panel all laid out and cut tomorrow I will almost be back on schedule.

    Stay Tuned...

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    Last edited: May 22, 2014
  17. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Good Morning Gang,
    I have the top piece cut and ready for laying out the electronics and the motors. Not too bad for a hand cut on the band saw. I got out of shape a little in one spot, but it won't hurt anything, and I am blaming Boo for it any way. He yelled SQUIRREL!!! right in the middle of my cut. He was quite pleased with his little joke as you can see him in the background chuckling.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it ;)

    Stay Tuned....

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  18. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    How on earth did you get up that high to take the pic Brian ??

    ( you'r right Boo does look smug :) )

  19. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    You mean I forgot to mention I could fly and that Boo is really Krypto in disguise :ROFL:

    Actually I am squatting a little for that picture. The three legs I have in there ATM are only about 18"

    Here is a picture from a different perspective

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  20. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Ahh, that explains it :D

  21. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Ok Kids and Kiddettes,
    Here is what the layout looks lik for the brains and the brawn...

    Now I am starting to get excited :thumbsup:

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  22. John R

    John R New Builder

    This sucker is coming along nicely! Curious about the threaded rod out the top - is this for belt tension? Rugged to bood - glad you're listening to Boo
  23. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Thanks John,

    The stud in the top gives me a way to clamp the motors to the frame and as an anchor for the posts with the top plate acting as a brace in between. The belt tensioning will be done from underneath and each of the six belts can be adjusted independently.

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    Last edited: Jun 24, 2014 at 5:32 PM
  24. John R

    John R New Builder

    ah! OK, makes sense, thx! 'guess next Q is how are you going to mount the motor? It's coming along very nice! can't wait to see this thing run!! GLTY!!
  25. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Hi John,

    I will use a plate with a nut on the stud and two bolts holding down the other side with tabs to keep it from rotating. I might also incorporate a heat sink into the design to help keep the motors running cooler.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2014 at 5:33 PM
  26. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Hi Folks,
    Boo and I have been toiling away diligently today, and we have gotten the motor electronics all mounted, connected and the cables dressed. I think Boo is ready for a burger off the grill after all that hard work.

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    John R likes this.
  27. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    It's looking good Brian :thumbsup:

  28. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Thanks Tweakie...
    Now some of the real fun begins :)
  29. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hi Brian,

    It's a bit off topic but this is my little helper who has now decided to trash my World Cup football - just waiting for the bang :)


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    kram242 and Robert Hummel like this.
  30. Brian Slee

    Brian Slee Journeyman Builder

    Good Morning Tweakie :)

    BTW Our helpers are never off topic ;) He is gorgeous. Boo wants to know if he can come play....errr help with the robot lol.

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