Hey guys, I was just wondering if somebody has spare V-Slot lying around that I could borrow or rent for a few days? I am travelling from London to do some photography (and a big part of that will be timelapse). I have a full v-slot setup at home, but it would be pointless to carry the whole rail with me (I'll take all the rest of the setup though). I am also looking into buying the rail, but it is both hard to find nowadays, and pointless as I will be in California for only around 10 days in total, after that I will probably need to just either try to quickly sell it, or just throw away (what a waste!!). So if anybody can spare a rail, preferably 100-150cm, it would be just FANTASTIC! Thanks!
Hmm I have a buddy that lives in CA that may be able to help. I will contact him and see if he is available for this mission