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V Slot!! Bit of a Moan Here.

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by GrayUK, May 21, 2014.

  1. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    In the way of things, I haven't really spent a lot of time researching things in the CNC world. Just a few months. What I have discovered in that time is, the Openbuilds V Slot system is the way to go. What I have also discovered is, that lengths of V Slot can be harder getting hold of than Hen's Teeth or Rocking Horse Poo!
    Being based in England seems to be quite a handy-cap as far as getting hold of stuff for the build. Our stockist "Robocutters" has very little in the way of aluminium lengths in stock, and is not overly responsive to emails and inquiries.
    I have estimated that getting a few bits from the Openbuilds site has so far added up to £70 just for shipping! Mind you I don't know how much it would cost from Robocutters because they haven't got anything I can add to my trolley. LOL.
    I fancied some plates from Chris Laidlaw, but it says explicitly Not for England. I'm sure there's a good reason for it, but it all seems an Uphill struggle.
    Is it because the V Slot is Sooo popular that it's so hard to get hold of.
    Perhaps not a subject to mention here, but, has anyone tried to make their own V Slot on a CNC machine. Being an Openbuild product, and made for sharing, could someone not start up their own manufacture of V Slot, from standard slotted aluminium lengths? One run to set the correct slot width, and another to cut the V? Providing respect is paid to the Openbuild people for origination.
    I realise that many, many people have, like me, seen the advantages if this system, innovative and so simple to implement, but it is obviously a two edged sword.
    Generally, if there is a shortage of product, it's down to two reasons.
    1) There is little interest, enthusiasm and backup after the initial release. Leading to the failure of what could have been a really good product.
    2) The product is so good it creates a similar view, but for completely opposite reasons. Over interest, over enthusiasm, causing long delays in supply. Demand and supply not yet balanced.
    I know it is the later. I can feel the enthusiasm and Zing, throughout the whole Forum, and I know it is still early days.
    I guess I must watch our supplier daily, and jump in there as soon as I see any available! Anyway, thanks for letting me let off steam.
    Cheers. Gray
  2. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hi Gray,

    I feel your pain. :(

    Basically, the V-Slot system has proved to be far more popular than was ever, originally, envisaged.

  3. Bobnet

    Bobnet Well-Known Builder

    OpenPart is a distributor for V-Slot, I've been holding off from getting stock until the designs I'm working on are finalised.
    If you want to pre-order from the OpenBuilds catalog drop me an e-mail and I'll put a quote together.


  4. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    Even as we type, Colin, from Robocutters, has been in touch and answered some of my questions, and tells me the profile should be in shortly. Yippee! I might however take you up on your offer of a quote Bobnet. I'll get pen and paper out.
    Many Thanks for your replies.
  5. Colin Russon

    Colin Russon Journeyman Builder

    The problem we all have is 'the latter', as you point out, the product is hugely popular everywhere. Openbuilds are struggling to keep up with demand and if I don't have a ready answer as to when V-Slot will be in stock that is because I don't have an answer from openbuilds at that time. Only this week I have sent several emails to openbuilds requesting updates and generally begging for profile but up to right now at this point in time I have no answers to this emails or form content on the openbuilds website. I really do feel your frustration but give the openbuilds guys credit, they work damn hard at what they do and all of this started from virtually nil so they have had a massive learning curve to cope with as well as demand for extraordinarily high order volumes to fulfil in a very short space of time.

    Myself I am crazy busy getting parts and CNC kits out and I never seem to have enough profile or parts for demand, but, then again I would bet openbuilds themselves probably don't because we keep buying their stuff!

    I hope to hear from the openbuilds team soon, then I can provide more answers as well.

  6. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    Is there just one "Openbuilds" and where is that, or are there various manufacturers in different countries?
  7. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Just the one and in the USA.

  8. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    Wow! That's a long way for a bit of ali to travel. So it's got to be a lot dearer here after the costs?
  9. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Yes sir, the UK distributor's prices reflect the postage and import VAT that we would have to pay if buying direct. :(

  10. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

  11. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hey guys the OpenBuilds team wants to thank you for all the kind words and enthusiasm for V-Slot!
    The good news is that all sizes of V-Slot are in stock and ready to ship! This will go the same for the future as well as we have set up a production run schedule so both the OpenBuilds Part Store and V-Slot Distributors will have all the V-Slot they need. This is going to greatly improve availability for all!
    We thank you for your support of the OpenBuilds Part Store and distributors.
    Robert Hummel likes this.
  12. MJT

    MJT New Builder

    I just tried to order some and they seem to be out of stock or low on stock again :(
  13. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hi @MJT there is plenty of V-Slot stock :thumbsup:
    We apologize for the delay as we have been working on updating the inventory and if you check again it should be there now.
    Thank you
  14. MJT

    MJT New Builder

    Thanks Mark, I will take another look.

    Do you have any suggestions for enclosures? I am working on a project with 11 stepper motors to control and 18 sensors. So I will need a good size enclosure.

  15. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    Go on then MJT, you got my curiosity peaked now! :rolleyes: Spill it. ;) What are you up to? :D

  16. MJT

    MJT New Builder

    @GaryUK I am experimenting with combining CNC bed+gantry with movable bed with a robot arm with 6 DoF. Tinkering to see what I can come up with :) Crazy contraption.. lol
  17. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    Keep it away from your wife!!:ROFL::D:banghead:

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