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V-Slot Miter Saw Stop

Discussion in 'Other Builds' started by kram242, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    The SketchUp file has been added too :)
    Dave M likes this.
  3. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    LOL Mark, great minds think alike. I was thinking about this concept, using the V-slot and it's accessories, but not as a stop for a miter saw but as a fence for the table saw. It's in the early stages but took a big leap just now with some of your ideas. [​IMG]

    BTW, can we have the emoticons we have at the Phlat Forum? AND DON'T MAKE ME ASK FOR IT AGAIN!!! [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
  4. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 Journeyman Builder

    As a suggested revision, consider mounting another long piece of 2060 laid flat along the top of the current rail (creating a T-section) and using clips with vertical slotted holes to mount the rail to the table. This way you could raise the whole assembly up to match the saw table height which would support the piece being cut full length and it wouldn't be dropping away after the cut. Add another hold down clamp near the left edge of the assembly to hold the material in place and you won't have fingers anywhere near the blade when cutting.
  5. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    :) I hope as a group we can improve on it. I plan to upload the parts list soon as well.
    :D I will see what I can do. It takes a long time to upload them but the new update for the board should allow for importing :)
  6. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    I love this idea @Rick 2.0 this would be great to help hold the material up. After using the stop for a while and having both ends tend to fall away if the cuts are long now its apparent that this is a much needed mod.
  7. Colin Russon

    Colin Russon Journeyman Builder

    Great idea!

    If you add some 1/8in spacers between the V-Wheels and the eccentric spacers that would allow you to mount a steel rule on top of the horizontal profile for accurate measurements.
  8. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Like it! That's a great idea Colin because the first thing you have to do every time is set up the first cut length with a tape. It would be nice to just set it to length and start cutting away.
  9. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    I think it would be cool to see a way to use v-slot to make a table-saw out of a hand-held saw. Same for a router. Maybe do both with the same table. Maybe one day I'll make a portable lumber mill from v-slot ;)
  10. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

  11. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    Check this out...
    You could put one rail running the length of the machine and build the rest out of 8020. I bet you could throw it together in a day for about $100 in material.
    kram242 likes this.
  12. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Very cool machine! Agreed we could rebuild this using V-Slot. They have incorporated some great ideas on this design. If you have ever used a chainsaw you know it would not take much force to push the saw though the wood and could be done with a nema 23.
  13. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    I'd stick with the hand-crank so I don't need electricity in the forest.
  14. bobt

    bobt Journeyman Builder

    This is neat and all. I have seen the Logosol at wood shows before. I just want to know where the saw stop is located on this?

  15. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    lol good point :D
  16. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    I hijacked the thread, sorry. Might be better to start a whole new thread but that's a ways off for me.
  17. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Its all good, I have not seen these before and does bring up a good idea for a build :thumbsup: so thanks for sharing it.

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