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V-slot or makerslide?

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Jahn, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. Jahn

    Jahn New Builder

    is here anyone capable of comparing V-slot and makerslides ? Pros and cons?
  2. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    I think there are alternatives to most things, which is really great, so we pay our money and take our choice.

    My preference would be for the V-Slot as it appears to have a greater versatility of configuration but I suppose I would say that, wouldn't I ? :)

    kram242 likes this.
  3. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    I've got a buildlog 2.x laser cutter and a enlarged Wolfstock delta 3d printer both made using Makerslide. They both work fine. However, I've chosen to build a 750mm X 1,500MM OX CNC router using V-Slot. Why? Two reasons: 1) V-Slot extrusions are available in up to 20mm X 80mm sizes. Makerslide is only available in 20mm X 40mm size. I want the extra stiffness that the 20mm X 80mm extrusions will afford me! 2) I believe (IMHO) that the actual V-Slot (internal V rail surface) is better for a CNC router that the Makerslide (external rail surface).


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