Shared projects


by falkenad.

2 layer board of 1.65x0.75 inches (41.94x19.05 mm).
Shared on June 9th, 2017 18:59.

Programmer with USB-UART adapter for programming an ESP8266 with a Tag-Connect TC2030 cable.

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Cortex Debug to RJ12 Connector

by falkenad.

2 layer board of 0.59x1.00 inches (15.01x25.50 mm).
Shared on June 9th, 2017 18:58.

For TC2030 Tag-Connect cable connection.

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Pyboard Mini

by falkenad.

2 layer board of 0.71x1.41 inches (17.91x35.71 mm).
Shared on November 29th, 2016 06:42.

A small development board based on the STM32F411CEU6, for use with MicroPython.

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Mantis v1b.brd

by falkenad.

2 layer board of 0.71x1.41 inches (17.91x35.71 mm).
Shared on November 1st, 2016 23:37.

Added USB VBUS detection, and minor silkscreen cleanup.

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by falkenad.

2 layer board of 0.71x1.41 inches (17.91x35.71 mm).
Shared on October 24th, 2016 23:11.

V1a breaks out PA15 and changes the 32kHz crystal to a larger and cheaper ABS6.

An STM32L4 microcontroller in a Teensy form factor. This board was designed as a 2-layer PCB with all components on the top side as a more cost-effective, very low power Cortex M4 alternative. Design inspired by Kris Winer’s Dragonfly and Paul Stoffregen’s Teensy.

Includes both low-speed and high-speed oscillators, a supercapacitor RTC backup, an extremely low Iq LDO regulator, and flash memory. The supercapacitor’s VBAT pin is broken out such that an external coin cell or supercapacitor may be used.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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