Embedded Microstrip Impedance Calculator
An embedded microstrip is a microstrip transmission line or flat conductor separated from the ground place via a dielectric material. There is also a dielectric material placed above the conductor.
Calculate the Impedance of an Embedded Microstrip Transmission Line
Note: This Calculator works for W/H < 1
Impedance (Z0)
Propagation Delay (Tpd)

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Z0 = Impedance
Tpd = Propagation Dealy
w = Trace Width
t = Trace Thickness
h = Trace Dielectric Thickness
h1 = Overall Dielectric Thickness
εr = Relative Dielectric Constant
If w = 7 mils, t = 1.2 mils, h = 4 mils, h1 = 6.4 mils and εr= 4 then,
Z0 = 39.4277 Ω and Tpd =135.18 ps/inch