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Bring back the joy of mobile app development!

Builds page

Bitrise automates your daily app development tasks from building through testing to deployment with dozens of integrations you already love and use. You can chain these integrations together, creating workflows for different branches with a unique, visual workflow editor.

Bitrise integrates with GitHub’s status API giving you constant update on your project’s condition. Project Managers can get a clear picture of the development and testing of apps, testers get regular notifications about available, testable builds, and clients are able to collaborate with the rest of the team. Devs are just happy everything finally works.

Bitrise is free to get started and takes just 50 seconds to setup your first project.


Customizable Workflows

Worflow editor
Create a different workflow for every scenario. Use one for testing, deployment to testers, deploy to devs or even for the release to the App Store. Bitrise is highly customizable with our visual Workflow Editor. Just drag & drop Git Clone, Xcode Test, Crashlytics and Slack steps, and BAMM, you are ready to roll.

Open Source Command Line Interface

You’re more of a terminal type of guy? No problem! If you don’t need your build logs to be on the web for the whole team to see, just install the CLI, download the config .yml from Bitrise and keep a tab in your terminal for Bitrise.

Hosted Environment

You don’t need your computer for building, go use it to binge-watch Breaking Bad instead.

Continuous Delivery

You get your apps without the need of messing with manual controls. It’s like switching on autopilot. So, lean back and order a scotch.

30+ integrations

No need for learning a new setup procedure yet again . Use the services you already love, like Slack, HipChat and Twilio for notification, or iTunes Connect, Crashlytics and TestFairy for deployment. You can even use the awesome fastlane with Bitrise giving you the advantages of a hosted CI/CD platform.

Support by devs, for devs

We don’t have a support staff, we have Engineers, and you can talk to them whenever you want. Providing they aren’t on a space walk or having tea with a Klingon (a.k.a. virtually always!)

Quick and easy project setup

Register with your GitHub account and add your first project in 50 seconds. That’s like a gazillion times faster than doing everything yourself.

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