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Test, build and deploy using your own infrastructure

Buildkite is a CI and build automation tool that combines the power of your own build infrastructure with the convenience of a managed, centralized web UI. The open source agent is installable on any machine or network and provides a simple, repeatable process for running builds using the same tools you use for development and production. Buildkite’s centralized web service handles job distribution, agent monitoring, integration with GitHub and Slack, and provides everyone on your team with an elegant interface for monitoring builds, tailing logs and downloading artifacts.

Join Shopify, Basecamp, Digital Ocean, Venmo, Cochlear, Bugsnag and many other great teams automating their build processes with Buildkite.


Fast and stable builds

You don’t want to discover your build environment changed the night before a big release. Controlling your build environment gives you a stable base, along with the freedom to use your own internal or pre-release tools and services. The open source buildkite-agent is simple to install, runs on almost any machine and architecture (including Linux, Mac and Windows) and requires little maintenance.


Distributed agents and jobs

Buildkite has powerful build distribution tools built into its core. Your build agents register themselves and can be targetted in build pipelines using key/value patterns and queues. Dynamic job allocation allows you to add and remove build machines without reconfiguring projects or re-running builds. The agent binary exposes key/value and binary artifact stores to build scripts, allowing you to persist and communicate data between build jobs regardless of what machine or network they’re running on.


Automate your infrastructure tasks

Treating infrastructure as code allows you to create documented, testable, and repeatable processes. Checked in build pipelines, global concurrency locks and queues, and a minimal agent binary makes Buildkite ideal for running your ops tasks for increased visibility, logging, notifications, and success/failure monitoring. You can trigger your build pipelines on every commit, manually via the web, or using the API.

One system for all your projects

Using the same simple, composable tools across all your projects allows each team to own their delivery pipelines. Buildkite can be extended for each project using generated build pipelines, webhooks and the REST API. Global and per-project agent hooks allow you to customize and override agent behavior for your organization, including customizing git clones, setting up the environment, and artifact handling.

Seamless GitHub integration

Buildkite was built from the ground up to suit your GitHub workflow: builds start instantly via GitHub webhooks, pull requests are updated with their build status, and deployments can be controlled using GitHub’s Deployments API.


Enterprise ready

Buildkite’s architecture means it’s secure by default—source code never leaves your agent, and it all works seamlessly behind firewalls and within VPCs. GitHub Enterprise is supported standard with every account and includes full integration with pull requests, deployments and releases. SSO with Okta, OneLogin and Google Auth is also supported.

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