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Lightweight project management for GitHub issues

Codetree is a lightweight project management app that syncs directly with GitHub Issues. With Codetree, you can manage multiple repositories under one project and enrich your issue tracking experience with drag-and-drop prioritization,dependency tracking, custom task boards, point estimates, and more. Spend less time managing issues so you get back to shipping code.

Two ways to visualize your issues

Codetree automatically keeps your GitHub issues in sync and provides two ways to visualize them: list view and task board view.

The list view is a compact interface that allows you to see many issues at once, grouped by the category of your choosing (milestone or assignee). The task board view is a kanban-style view that lets you visualize where issues stand in your development pipeline.

Both views allow drag-and-drop prioritization and are rich with information, including title, milestone, assignee, labels, attached pull requests, dependencies, and more.


Powerful filters for teasing out important issues

Codetree comes loaded with over 12 different filters to help you unearth issues that need your attention. One of our most powerful filters is the "Unanswered" filter, which shows you all issues that you have not interacted with since the last time you were @mentioned.

Other filters include the "Blocked" filter, which shows issues that are currently blocked by other open issues, and the "Pull request status" filter, which shows all issues that have (or do not have) a pull request attached.


Track dependencies and pull requests

Similar to the "fixes" notation available on GitHub, we've adopted the "needs" notation for dependencies. Declaring that one issue depends on another is as simple as dropping a comment like this: needs #123.

Dependencies are automatically displayed on issues in Codetree, as well as any attached pull requests and their associated build statuses.


Manage multiple repositories under one project

Each Codetree project can support as many repositories as you need in one unified interface. In addition to issues, you can manage your milestones and labels directly in Codetree. When you create/update/delete a milestone or label in Codetree, we will automatically apply the changes to all your linked repositories.

Designed to help you be more productive

Just like the GitHub interface, Codetree comes loaded with keyboard shortcuts so you wont miss a beat. And, our UI updates in realtime so you don't have to refresh all the time to stay up to date.

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