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GitHub Extension for Visual Studio

Easily connect to your GitHub repositories in Visual Studio

GitHub Extension for Visual Studio is a seamless way to connect to projects on GitHub and GitHub Enterprise from right inside Visual Studio.

Easy installation

When you install Visual Studio 2015, select the option to Customize the
install and be sure to check the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio check box.
It's that easy.

Connect to GitHub

Once you install the extension, you can log into your or GitHub
Enterprise account in Visual Studio with full support for two-factor
authentication. There is no need to use personal API tokens.

Clone repositories in one click

Once connected, it's quick to clone repositories from your account or any
organization you belong to.

Click the clone button to bring up a dialog that shows all the repositories
you have access to. Use the filter textbox to quickly find the repository
you're interested in.

Create repositories and build something great

Need a new repository on GitHub? No problem! The create dialog makes it
easy to create a repository on GitHub and clone it to Visual Studio all in one

Publish your local work to GitHub

Already have a project on your machine? Well what are you waiting for? Publish
it to GitHub and start collaborating with others.

In the Team Explorer window, click on the Sync tab to get to the Publish to
GitHub dialog.

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