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Snap CI

Hosted CI/CD tool by ThoughtWorks with built-in deployment pipelines

Make reliable, frequent releases a reality. Snap CI sets up in seconds and easily builds off of your GitHub repos, with automatic language detection and easy configurations. At the heart of Snap CI are deployment pipelines: these let you model your build, tests and deployments as custom stages. Snap CI also gives GitHub users pull request integration, branch tracking, debug functionality and out-of-box support for AWS and Heroku.


Continuous Delivery with deployment pipelines

Snap CI's deployment pipelines lets you model your build and deployment process as custom stages on a pipeline. The deployment pipeline gives you the ability to deploy to multiple targets and even manually trigger deployments, giving you full control of when to deploy. The multi-stage pipeline provides clear visibility for each of your changes, so you (or anyone on your team) can easily track code from the GitHub repo all the way through production.


Enhanced pull request workflow and branch tracking

Snap CI integrates with GitHub Pull Requests so you can get feedback on the quality of the pull request before deciding to merge.


Additionally, Snap supports automatic branch tracking, allowing you to configure integration pipelines to execute custom build stages. Snap merges against master locally and executes the same stages giving you early feedback about merge conflicts or test failures due to your changes.


Test parallelism, debug support and full sudo access on build environments

Use multiple workers to execute tests in parallel or just use bigger sized workers to get faster feedback!

Snap Shell offers you the ability to diagnose your build directly from the system, preventing you from having to make tweaks in order to understand what's going on. Just type "snap-shell" as a command in your pipeline configuration and start troubleshooting from there!

First class support for popular cloud providers

Out-of-the-box support for deployments to AWS and Heroku, among others. You can also build and run Docker containers on Snap CI.


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