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ChatOps and Event-driven automation for your infrastructure

StackStorm integrates with the GitHub API to create developmental and operational workflows with many popular IT tools. Integrate with CI tools to create a pipeline to build your applications, integrate with deployment tools to create pipelines to deploy your applications safely and consistently, and empower your users by exposing automations safely with ChatOps.


React to your infrastructure with the Rules Engine

StackStorm uses rules and worfklows to capture operational patterns as automations. Rules map triggers to actions (or workflows), apply matching criteria and map trigger payload to action inputs. These are written in simple to read and write YAML format. Combine many rules together to create Uber workflows, or kick off many actions at once from a single event.


Empower your users everywhere with ChatOps

ChatOps brings automation and collaboration together; transforming devops teams to get things done better, faster, and with style. StackStorm provides native two-way Chatops support. Expose actions via human-friendly aliases; get notifications from rules and workflows – no coffee-script, just add YAML. Works with Slack, HipChat, IRC, and other chat services via Hubot.

ChatOps is all about enablement - Hubot + StackStorm gives you the ability to capture the immense knowledge of your team and expose them to everyone as actions.


Collaborate and build complex workflows easily with Flow

Flow is a first of its kind visual workflow designer that treats automation code and its visual representation as true equals.
Drag in new actions from your palette and connect them as you like. Code is automatically generated as elements are dragged and manipulated in the workflow. Upload an entire workflow—an end-to-end automation—and see the visual representation appear.

Flow helps new developers easily get a handle on assembling workflows via a visual editor, and seasoned developers get a tool to visualize complex business workflows. Using Flow makes it easier to collaborate and make rapid changes new and existing workflows.


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