A picture is worth a thousand words
CSS 1,303 429
muan / emoji
Find the emoji that echoes your mind.
CSS 1,229 190
Ranks / emojify.js
A Javascript module to convert Emoji keywords to images -
CSS 126 28
muan / megamoji
Making megamojis like a pro.
CSS 104 17
ded / emojize
High resolution, unicode (emoji) to html conversion utility.
CSS 57 7
mroth / emojistatic
CDN static asset generation for emoji
HTML 3,484 951
arvida / emoji-cheat-sheet.com
A one pager for emojis on Campfire and GitHub -
HTML 1,659 172
Ranks / emojione
EmojiOne™ is the open emoji standard. #iwantemojione -
JavaScript 4,500 475
twitter / twemoji
Twitter Emoji for Everyone -
JavaScript 1,048 49
muan / mojibar
Emoji searcher but as a menubar app.
JavaScript 284 51
muan / emojilib
Emoji keyword library.
PHP 633 156
iamcal / php-emoji
A PHP Emoji conversion library -
Ruby 429 37
carlosgaldino / alfred-emoji-workflow
Alfred 2 workflow for searching emoji codes. -
Ruby 441 70
Genshin / PhantomOpenEmoji
A completely free and open set of emoji. Use and distribute with any project, open or closed source free or commercial. -
Ruby 1,976 258
github / gemoji
Emoji images and names. -
Ruby 161 12
cupakromer / emoji-rspec
Custom Emoji Formatters for RSpec -
Ruby 360 43
wpeterson / emoji
A gem. For Emoji. For everyone. ❤ -
Ruby 9 4
JuanitoFatas / mojime
Outputs random emojis.
VimL 182 10
junegunn / vim-emoji
Emoji in Vim
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