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Open source showcases

Browse popular repositories based on the topic that interests you most.

Text editors

The text editor is a sacred application for developers. Here's a showcas...
15 repositories 8 languages

Ember projects

Popular open source projects powered by Ember.
6 repositories 3 languages

Universal 2nd Factor

Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) is an open authentication standard that provi...
12 repositories 8 languages

GitHub Pages examples

Fine examples of projects using GitHub Pages.
13 repositories 4 languages

Projects that power GitHub for Windows

Here are some of the great open source projects that GitHub for Windows ...
18 repositories 3 languages


Open source projects to help build and operate more secure systems, alon...
22 repositories 8 languages


Some of the world's best open source fonts are hosted right here on GitH...
13 repositories 6 languages

Web games

Have some fun with these open source games.
7 repositories 2 languages

Productivity tools

Build software faster with fewer headaches.
16 repositories 9 languages

Projects that power GitHub for Mac

Here are some of the great open source projects used within GitHub for Mac.
28 repositories 4 languages

Clean code linters

Code linters will report any code typos to you when you're learning to c...
19 repositories 9 languages

JavaScript game engines

Learn or level up your L337 game dev skills and build amazing games toge...
15 repositories 2 languages

Game off winners

The winners of our annual game jam, where contestants have 1 month to bu...
48 repositories 5 languages

Data visualization

Data visualization tools for the web.
23 repositories 5 languages

Open Source Operating Systems

The operating system is an essential component of a computer system. We ...
9 repositories 3 languages
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