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Share A Part

Have an idea for a part that would make a great addition to the OpenBuilds line up?

  1. kram242
    Share A Part
    Have an idea for a part that would make a great addition to the OpenBuilds line up?
    Think others would need a part like this for their builds?

    Maybe you would just like to see the OpenBuilds Part Store stock certain 'off the shelf' parts?
    We would love to hear your feedback and will do what we can to make it happen.

    You can send us your part idea and we will look into using the OpenBuilds resources to make it happen. Please only share parts you are willing to use under the CC-BY-SA (free to use) open source license.
    This allows us to add the part (with credit to you as the original designer) to the OpenBuilds Part Store so that everyone will have access to it.

    Doing this helps the open source community grow and helps OpenBuilds grow as well so that we can keep doing what we do best - providing inexpensive parts and tools to those who have the passion to create and share!


    More info about the creative commons license can be found here: http://www.openbuilds.com/threads/openbuilds-creative-commons-licenses.57/

    Note: OpenBuilds gives back to the community through the FairShare Give Back program.
    Read more: http://openbuildspartstore.com/fairshare-program/