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Lack of inventory of Vslot Extrusion

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Nick Lancaster, Feb 4, 2014.

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  1. Stew Skinner

    Stew Skinner Well-Known Builder

    It would be great if there was the option to select a "package" of parts that matched a build. For example..If I could select an OX PARTS PACKAGE that would automatically select all the correct kibbles-n-bits that are needed for the build. It's a bit tedious to have to choose all the hardware one item at a time.

  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Agreed @Stew Skinner , and you will be happy to know that the OpenBuilds Team is working on inventory software that will allow just that :thumbsup: No ETA as of yet but we hope to be able to offer this service soon :)
  3. Stew Skinner

    Stew Skinner Well-Known Builder

    Looking forward to the changes One more reason to love open source communities.
    kram242 likes this.
  4. rdaa

    rdaa Well-Known Builder

    Hi! It seems your V-slots profiles are out of stock again... I've looked in several stores and all of them are out of stock for 20x80 and 20x60 profiles, do you know when they will be re-stocked?
    On the same topic, is there a way to know (by receiving an email, etc) as soon as it's back in stock, so we don't have to check the store every day/2 days?
    Thanks in advance! When those profiles are back in stock, I'll be able to build my cnc, so I'm very excited hehe!
    mybuild14 likes this.
  5. mybuild14

    mybuild14 Well-Known Builder

    I too am close to ordering my parts for my OX build, but can not seem to hit it right when all the parts are in stock at the same time. Is there an update as to when out of stock parts are due to be in? V-slot, acme lead screw. Getting anxious to start building. Thanks guys.
  6. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    mybuild14 likes this.
  7. rdaa

    rdaa Well-Known Builder

    Thanks for your help!
    I'm preordering the out of stock V-slot profiles, but I see a problem with 2 products: Spacer Block and 8mm metric lead screw. They're out of stock but I can't even preorder them, any ideas?
  8. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hello @rdaa we will have these both stocked soon (approx 2 weeks) as well as many more parts. :thumbsup:
    Thanks for you support and understanding.
    mybuild14 likes this.
  9. Jaros

    Jaros New Builder

    I am trying to drop order for last few weeks and combine everything in one shipping as much I can, but there are constantly missing items in store. Items that are important to build anything. Can I get approximate date to visit Your store and make comfortable purchase without hassle and recreating my cart over and over again.
    I know I can go to ACE store and spend another hours looking for screws and plates, but I dream about one stop online buying experience...
    Salt Lake City, UT
  10. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hey guys. Things are happening over at the OpenBuilds Part Store. We know that this delay can be frustrating at time especially when you are in the middle of a build. Just to let you know, we have been in the process of working out new samples from new manufactures, so its taking a little longer than expected. We are working closely with them to ensure quality continues. Many parts are set up to be completed by the end of this week and we will have them shortly after.
    The Part Store will be updated right away. We apologize for this extended delay but it will be worth it as we move forward with future OpenBuilds parts and accessories.
    Thank you all for your understanding a patience
    OpenBuilds Team
    mybuild14 likes this.
  11. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 Journeyman Builder

    V-Slot is back in stock. Yeah!!! :thumbsup: But I have no use for it without screws...... :banghead:

    When can we expect the M5 low profiles and the 8mm lead screws to be restocked?
  12. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    Are the V Slot profiles produced in the States and shipped to the UK, or do you have a producer over here?
  13. Colin Russon

    Colin Russon Journeyman Builder

    We order from openbuilds to ship to UK, as far as I am aware all resellers do.
  14. bobt

    bobt Journeyman Builder

  15. Colin Russon

    Colin Russon Journeyman Builder

  16. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    @GrayUK V-Slot is shipped from our warehouse here in the US in large quantity to OpenBuilds distributors in the UK as well as all distributors. We are also working up a standards agreement to keep V-Slot version/tolerances and quality levels the same no matter where you may find it.
    @Rick 2.0 ETA on OpenBuilds screws is about 10 days. We are adding a lot more to the inventory over the next few months so its taking a little more time to complete. We are making a lot more and adding them to the production schedule to ensure we have them in stock moving forward.
    Thank you
    mybuild14 likes this.
  17. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hey guys,
    To keep things going to the right places, we are asking that for future part store order questions, please fill out the contact form located here:
    This will help us to stay organized, get your questions to the right people and stream line the response process. :)
    Thank you for your help
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