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Laser V

Discussion in 'Laser Cutters' started by Robert Hummel, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Ok thanks for the info I will do some digging :)
  2. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Yes! NEMA11 they are.
    First number in the model number
  3. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Nice find thank you
    I found some that have a holding torque of approx 1 lb, so I think they will do the trick
    Robert Hummel likes this.
  4. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Nice, can't
    Can't find your mailing address or my invoice to get it.
    Please send me it asap and I will send out your board this afternoon :)
    My e-mail is rmhcnc@gmail.com
  5. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Sent :) Thank you
  6. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Got it :) off to the post now
  7. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Thank you! :D
  8. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

  9. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    kram242 likes this.
  10. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I seem to be having a problem editing the build :confused:
    When I click on the edit, the hole body of the build is missing.
    When I view it all seems fine o_O
  11. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    hmm I will check it out...
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2013
  12. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    I am able to get into the edit mode from here.
    I have however been working on the site in the back ground for a while today so maybe somthing was refreshing as you tried to get in. Can you try clearing your browser's cache and see if you can get it then.
  13. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I tried that with no luck, try adding a line of text to the end of the body and I will then try logging in again and edit it out.
  14. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I can see the line you added when viewing but still when I click the edit button and the editing box opens its blank :confused:
    Anyway I will keep racking my brain as to what the issue could be while I tinker with Laser V Bot
    Still waiting on parts "power supply" before I can finish up this build
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
  15. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Here is a pic of my personal updated/ completed board with heat sinks.
    Bit of eye candy
  16. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Very nice!
    Maybe you are being logged out? When you are trying to edit
  17. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I'm going to try something on my end if it wipes it clean I will have some work ahead of me lol
    Keep ya in the loop
  18. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Ok thanks Robert
  19. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Ok I think I have things in order now :)
    Had to reload all the text and images bit by bit but I think it's all there now
  20. Borneoben

    Borneoben New Builder

    Hi Robert what a fantastic project you have here, I have been very excited about he possibilities.
    I am new to CNC and laser cutters and i have a few questions for you.

    The system i have in mind would primarily be for Dollar Tree foam board which is very similar to Depron but has a white paper covering on both sides and is about 5mm thick.
    I would also like to be abel to cut Balsa sheets and Lite Plywod with a max thickness of 1/8th or 3.2mm thickness.

    Would the Laser diode your using be suitable for my requirements?
    Or would i need a more powerful Diode.

    Would this 10 wat diode i found on eBay be suitable?

    Is your Driver board suitable for the larger Nema 17 motors available here?

    and last but not least will you be offering your driver boards for sale in either kit form or finished ready to use?

    Oh i have designed am X Y system based on the V Slot extrusions and all the hardware here.
    I would appreciate any feed back you or Kram may have.

    Many thanks


    Attached Files:

  21. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hi Ben nice job on the laser layout! I would only change on thing and that is to lose the 90 corner connector that you have in the center of the side gantry's I think they are unnecessary. Other then that I think you have a winner there keeping it clean and simple. As for the drivers yes they will run nema 17's. They are the same drivers seen on a lot of the 3D printer designs around today and can handle about 2-2.5A
    I removed the 90 corner in the pic
    Laser Cutter X Y Mechanics.jpg
    As for the rest of your questions I think Robert will have to join in he's the laser expert here :) I am learning all I can from him and can't wait to build one myself :D
  22. Borneoben

    Borneoben New Builder

    Hi Kram

    Thanks for the feedback.
    These types of designs are very easy with the V Slot system, it takes out all of the hard work.

    That additional 90 bracket in there was just to make sure the motor mounting plates were rigidly attached to the gantry.

    I realize that laser cutters don't need to be very rigid but this system would be very rigid especially with the 18mm plywood deck in there!

    I will look forward to Roberts response.


  23. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Thanks so much for your interest and words :)
    The laser diode I use is rated @1-2w depending on the driver circuit.
    My design is based around them requirements. The LM317 T regulators are rated for 1.5 amps but with cooling and the T rating I have pushed them to 1.6-1.7 amps.
    I choose to run my diode at 1 amp max to save on life span of the diode.
    The diode you listed would blow through any of them materials but requires a special circuit for driving it "Pulsed diode" driver
    Take a look at this setup and they are using a 1w laser in a ultra violet light spectrum "908nm" my driver will easily run it.

    I have only cut 1/8 Balsa at 1w, it took 4 passes at slow mm/min settings.
    As for the other materials you mention I have no experience with them.
    My board will run a 1.5w diode with no problems as long as it's cooled well.

    There are other ic chips that will run higher loads but really I would just take the leap into a laser tube at 40w and mirrors "big bucks"

    If you like I can help you as much as possible and will be making my board available fully assembled and also arduino's pre programmed and stepsticks that will make it plug and play.
    I am at the moment trying to cut the costs of making the boards without loss of quality to lower the price for fellow hobiest.
    Right now it will cost $50 and shipping if it's outside of Canada for a plug and play setup that can run a diode reliably @ 1 amp load, 1.5 amps with cooling on both your laser diode and the driver board.
    The arduino will be programmed and pins will be in place on both the drivers and arduino.
    Board color options are
    GOLD "coming soon"
    SILVER "coming soon"

    In no way am I an expert, rather I am a hobiest that did a lot of reading on operating the 445nm and DVD burner lasers

    BTW the end look of my design will look like the cutter you seen in the video minus the laser head changer lol
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  24. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Ok kram when your board arrives the terminal strip connections are as follows

    Driver board conect.jpg

    since you have a 1-2w diode on its way then you can crank up your current to max if ya feel the need.
    right now its sitting at .130ma
    Your voltage is set at 8.3vdc so no need to adjust

    Also here is a link that will help explain a little more for you and others about how this LM317 circuit works
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2014
    kram242 likes this.
  25. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Thank you Robert this will be super helpful!

    Should I be adding a JST plug on this diode for quick swap outs? How often with cooling would you think these would need changing out? Thanks
  26. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I don't see it being an issue but I myself simply solider leads direct to the LD and heat shrink.
    As for life span I am still using the same diode from 2 years ago.
    As anything if pushed to the max it's life span shortens and I have yet to kill 1, knock on wood lol

    BTW your tracking number is
    shipped Canada post

    Let me know if it arrives safe and undamaged :)
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  27. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    That great news indeed!

    Will do my friend :)
    Thanks for the update and info
  28. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    No problem, we got hit by a snow storm so it took a little longer to drop it at the post office, looking at 3 -4 days :)
  29. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Good deal thanks Robert I will be looking for it!
  30. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

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