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Laser V

Discussion in 'Laser Cutters' started by Robert Hummel, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

  2. Woodie49

    Woodie49 Journeyman Builder

    Robert, any luck with the full size drawing?
  3. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Still don't have a working printer but have modded the files
    Any idea how he can print full size temps from my drawings ?
    I'm busy figuring out my cam problems :banghead:
  4. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    If you can save them with a scale bar you could take them to Kinko's or Staples. This is how we would print rc airplane plans back in the day before the Phlatprinter :D
    You could also take them to an architect firm that has a large format blueprint printer(same kind that Staples uses) and ask them if they could print it to scale for you.
    Hope this helps
  5. Woodie49

    Woodie49 Journeyman Builder

    Woun't they fit on a 81/2 x 11 or 81/2 x 15 sheet?
  6. bit53b

    bit53b Well-Known Builder

    Hi Robert,

    This is an awesome build - very impressed with this and aluminium Ox.
    Just looking through all the files - have I missed a complete circuit diagram? I've seen the layouts and a couple of schematics - I was looking for something that includes the later changes to the board - micro stepping selection / limit switches and the constant 5v enable pin "fix" you mentioned in another thread.
  7. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Ty !
    I have updated the layout to run the relay off the driver board 5v rail but have not posted it yet, I will be building a test board soon.
    The current boards on openbuilds have all the the options but the relay still runs from the arduino's 5v reg so a dedicated usb is needed
  8. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    @Woodie49 Good point I believe they would fit. My guess is that you would need to scale them in photoshop to get them to print properly. Not sure how you would go about it other then maybe the way I did the OX sticker page in SketchUp. The sticker page is 8.5x11 then exported as a 2D jpeg. Opened in Photoshop as a new 8.5x11 doc and then printed full page. This 'sorta' works there are some issues with it coming out perfect.
    Hope this helps
  9. bit53b

    bit53b Well-Known Builder

    I hope I haven't misunderstood the requirement here, because I'm new to SketchUp as well. But I have been printing plates actual size onto label sheets, so that I can stick them onto aluminium and drill holes.
    Here's what I do: make sure you are in parallel projection (off camera menu). position plate in centre screen and zoom in to fill window (otherwise you may get pagination errors), then choose file->document setup, uncheck "fit view to page", then make sure your print scale is a 1:1 ratio (e.g. I have 1mm in Drawing = 1mm in Model).

    Hope that is useful
    kram242, Robert Hummel and CutAboveZ like this.
  10. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Woodie49 a full set of plates and belt clip hardware are on the way to you 4-10 days hope it helps :)
    kram242 likes this.
  11. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    the sticker sheets are a great idea @bit53b Thanks for sharing your printing tips
  12. Woodie49

    Woodie49 Journeyman Builder

    How much do I owe you?
  13. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Nothing, hope it helps, I only put motor holes in the 1 plate just incase your motors are diff, if they line up as my nema17 do then just use it as a temp plate for the other 2
    You won't need esentrics just the mini v wheel kits, pinch on rail and tighten
  14. Woodie49

    Woodie49 Journeyman Builder

    I received the Plates today, 3/15. Thanks alot!
  15. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    No prob, glad they made it :)
  16. Woodie49

    Woodie49 Journeyman Builder

    What is the bigest size that can be cut, also what is the distance between the laser and the bed?
  17. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    My build is 340x340mm cut/etching area
    The distance can be as far as you like as the lens is simply focused to a pin sized dot.
    I would say the thickest you could cut before noticing a slant would be 3mm or so.
  18. Woodie49

    Woodie49 Journeyman Builder

    That's the cuting area using the 1500mm V-slot ?
  19. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    If you are referring to the parts list extrusion length, that is just the suggested length to buy.
    When I get home I will measure the cut lengths I used and post them for you.
  20. Woodie49

    Woodie49 Journeyman Builder

    That's sounds fine.
  21. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Y rails = 480mm 20x20
    Y rail joining braces = 450mm 20x20
    Repeat for lower section of machine
    X rail = 500mm 20x20
    Joining struts = 80mm 20x40 or longer if you want more space
    Hope that helps :)
  22. Woodie49

    Woodie49 Journeyman Builder

    Do you have a drawing of how it all go together?
    Thanks, Larr
  23. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Sorry that I do not have but it should be easy for you.
    First assemble/adjust your motor plates and make sure they ride smooth on a stick of 20x20
    Then assemble the x rail with your laser carriage on it, 4 T nuts slide in before you mount the belt clips.
    Mount the clips and run your belts.
    Next you need the spacers and y carriages, bolts go through carriage then spacer and into T nuts.
    After that it's just a matter of adjusting and building the rest of your frame
  24. Woodie49

    Woodie49 Journeyman Builder

    Do the 450mm rails go inside the 480mm rails? Or the outher way around?
  25. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    The 480mm rails go on the outside the two 450mm in between to make a square
  26. JCPhlux

    JCPhlux Journeyman Builder

    I have been wanting to build a Laser cutter to cut out FoamBoard this looks like a nice solution. How do I get my hands on one of those sweet laser carriages.
  27. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I designed and built it using sketchup.
    I used custom nema11 motors so won't work for most.
    I designed and cut some nema17 plate for a member but have not seen any progress on his build
  28. Woodie49

    Woodie49 Journeyman Builder

    I'm working on it slowly.
    The plates for the motors were off a little bit.
  29. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    In what way? Holes for the motor screws?
  30. Woodie49

    Woodie49 Journeyman Builder

    In what way? Holes for the motor screws?
    Yes, and the big for the motor could be a little bigger.
    All is fine

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