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Open Build 3d Models

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by racing4fun, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. racing4fun

    racing4fun Well-Known Builder


    I have just discovered the Open Build parts and this website. I am building a 3D Printer from plans that call for expensive linear rails and bearings. I think the Open Build parts will be a lot easier and less expensive. I have downloaded all of the available file formats for this hardware, but it is not in CatiaV5 usable format. Has anyone modeled the parts that can be exported to IGES, .igs or .ig2 files for to update my design?

    What system are the Open Build parts created in? I am using the e-Drawings to view the files on this website.
    I think that these parts will be a great success especially if all the part models were available to use in the various CAD packages for creating designs.


    Attached Files:

  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Hello @racing4fun the parts are being created in many different formats/cad packages (by awesome volunteers) so that everyone can use them. They will be posted to the resources section (at the top) of the page.
    Please check and see if you can use the ones that are posted there by Jon now.
    There will be more/different formats added by other members soon :)
  3. racing4fun

    racing4fun Well-Known Builder

  4. racing4fun

    racing4fun Well-Known Builder

    Mark. I could not download the link until after I joined the forum. I got the Inventor parts from there.
    I have converted them to .igs and Catiav5 parts. I can upload them if you tell me where and how.

  5. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Cool @racing4fun thanks for the info
    You will want to create a resource for it here http://www.openbuilds.com/resources/
    You should see a blue button top right that says Add Resource and that will let you
    fill out the form and upload the files. a zipped file will work best.
    Thank you
  6. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    I'm building a 3D printer as well. I'm hoping the routy router can be modified by adding an extruder head and heated bed and then poof! instant 3D printer and cnc machine. Or am I just high?
    Public Do Omens likes this.
  7. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    I have seen this done with a cartesian style machine like this, it has all the axis needed so as long as your using a controller that can handle the 3D printing side of things (like a ramps 1.4) I don't see why not. :)
    Sounds like a cool project looking forward to seeing how it works out
  8. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    Dude, it's like a TB6560 mentioned here: http://www.reprap.org/wiki/4_Axis_TB6560_CNC_Stepper_Motor_Driver_Board_Controller

    I connect it to my PC running LinuxCNC over the parallel port. It has 4 axes plus a spindle on/off output. The motors are all pretty decent NEMA17 with 1.8 deg resolution plus it has microstepping to like 1/4 I think. I've noticed the belt and pulleys look just like the ones on the reprap so it's basically a reprap as far as the gears, electronics, and xyz axes are concerned. But I dunno because I've never even been within 200 miles of a reprap, haha.

    Hey maybe I can run the ramps firmware in an emulator and redirect the outputs to the parallel port pins...
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  9. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    hmm this is looking very familiar :)
    That would be a cool experiment to try.
  10. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    Oh I just saw some people got linuxcnc to work running the same gcode that reprap uses. If that's the case, it would be much more powerful to use linuxcnc and modify it to have temperature control and run 3D printer gcodes. One day maybe I can rig it to do a "tool change" which would be just swapping the plastic spools so it can use another colour or different material. How cool would that be? Integrated parts with different materials and colors...
  11. Jovian

    Jovian Well-Known Builder

    Agreed I find that the great progress happens by those who dream, ignore the naysayers and put in the blood sweat and tears to make it happen.
    kram242 and Public Do Omens like this.

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