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OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by kram242, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Sage

    Sage Well-Known Builder

    I posted one awhile ago, might be useful. I printed two and spaced them as much as possible. Seems very sturdy holding the cheap-o HF trim router, but I haven't actually cut with it yet...
  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    If you lower the table height (pic1) you should hove no problem with 2" foam cuts (pic 2) shows the higher table for shallow stronger cuts.
    untitled.226.jpg untitled.257.jpg
    Gareth likes this.
  3. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    Hey if you want to make the OX plates you can just use a printer to print a template/guide and then stick it onto some aluminum, drill and cut. If you use a center punch to prime the holes before drilling your bit won't slip. I'd imagine this method will give you the same results as a CNC machined part.
  4. Sage

    Sage Well-Known Builder

    I used this method to make carriages and motor mount plates (nema17) from 2.5in X 0.125in aluminum plate you can pick up at Home Depot. That said its fairly difficult to get the punch location exactly correct. Variance in angle and minor imperfections in the print result in holes that aren't precisely aligned. This is fine if you are using eccentric spacers to take up the slack, but not acceptable if your not. YRMV, but that was my real world experience.
  5. Gareth

    Gareth Well-Known Builder

    I've done similar things with model airplane parts but the results are usually not ideal. Even with a drill press, brad point bits and a center punch. YMMV of course.
  6. Gareth

    Gareth Well-Known Builder

    Gotcha. So if I instead went about modifying the table I could have the option of cutting maybe 4" thick foam at somewhat reduced tolerances but I could still cut harder materials (Alu) up closer to the gantry with better stiffness.
    Public Do Omens likes this.
  7. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    That's the hope :) Still need to get the right bit and aluminum for a test
  8. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    If you need a good bit for aluminum go with destiny tools
    If you have a hard time I have a local supply of the bits I use, let me know I will shoot 1 out to ya
    kram242 likes this.
  9. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Thanks Robert :) I am thinking 1/8" two flute? Never tired cutting aluminum before
  10. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Yes you won't need anything bigger then that.
    I have 1 right here so don't bother buying 1
    It will go out Monday :cool:
    kram242 likes this.
  11. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    1/64 pass
    10-15 ipm
    Light oil at start of cut then compressed air to keep the chips clear.
    Just keep it cool and it will last ya a while :)
  12. matt_o_70

    matt_o_70 Well-Known Builder

  13. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

  14. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Good find Matt thanks!
    My Brother came up with a new mount idea I want to try out using the screw clamps. So I will give it a go first. I will share how it works out.
  15. Public Do Omens

    Public Do Omens Veteran Builder

    My builds are totally flat ! :cool:

    No height at all really 60-80mm.

    These high gantries are a little silly when you think of the forces involved. :cool: Just my opinion.
    Also hanging spindles of the side is the same, silly..

    My design is centered on the X, Y position with Z running down the spindle which is supported on all sides in a solid block.
    No torque twist or lever action applying on my watch.


    Concept. :cool:
  16. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Key word here is concept, if you have a build to share please do.
    Calling someone's ideas silly is a little bold.
    If constructive criticism was implied here then you sure have a funny way of expressing it.
    Just my nickel, as we don't use pennies here in Canada :cool:
    Public Do Omens likes this.
  17. Public Do Omens

    Public Do Omens Veteran Builder

    Concept until my V-slot arrives! As all are.
    I am not calling you silly or your build, the idea to me is silly mathematically.
    It is not bold it is an opinion.
    Nothing more, nothing less.
    People always take me as i am attacking, no it is just an opinion.
    To me a high gantry means you have forces acting on the frame that can be reduced if the height is reduced. This is mathematics. It is reality. So if Maths if attacking you then please direct it towards the Maths guys. I am felling very misunderstood today on my 50th Birthday. So thanks for that vote of confidence.
    It does not need to be high as i do it another way.
    My design is based on 60mm wide section of V-slot, flat 1500mm lengths 20mm height.
    20mm X height
    + 20 mm Y height
    + 20 mm Z. height
    Total 60mm. OK. Then the tool sits on-top.
    Have you ever had your car over an inspection pit?
    Well my CAR is MY Milling machine.
    Why build up when you can dig down?
    Look i just think different to you guys, that's all.
    Please don't BAN me again for thinking different and having the B***s to say so.
    So if i feel something is silly, mathematically then i say it. OK.

    Big hugs from Scotland

    PS I think your build & designs are good for home builds. I gave you i think a 5 star rating.
    Oh and i will take that nickle because to me it's worth more then $0.02 worth :)
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2014
  18. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    Of course we do! A penny for your thoughts! [​IMG]
  19. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    If people always do it maybe it's their fault and not yours? Don't you find that it is ALWAYS their and not yours? [​IMG](sometimes I'm so funny I just kill myself)

    I knew after just a few post of yours that it was you coming back with a different user name. Just by reading your posts. Ever thought of toning down your style? Just my personal thoughts.
  20. Nick Lancaster

    Nick Lancaster Journeyman Builder

    If you keep getting banned, if people keep thinking you are attacking thier ideas, the problem is not everyone else.

    How about some images of your concept, in its own thread, then we might understand it a bit better.
    Dave M likes this.
  21. Protodrake

    Protodrake Well-Known Builder

    Hey guys! Grand opening of Protodrake.ca!
    10% of all orders this week using coupon code : grand opening
    The 10% also works for the Routy kits!
    Hope to see you all soon!
    skarab, Robert Hummel and kram242 like this.
  22. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Congrats Protodrake on the grand opening! Much success with your store :)
  23. Protodrake

    Protodrake Well-Known Builder

    Thanks Kram! I hope to do the community proud!
    Gopal and kram242 like this.
  24. Gopal

    Gopal Journeyman Builder

    This is indeed a great set up, Protodrake. This morning I was going to get some eccentric spacers from the loacal store but they were out of stock!!! So I went immediatetly to your store and ordered some and a few extra items just to give you some start up business even though they were available in the main store. Thank you.

    Now, if only you could invest in a chop saw and have a handyman around, it would be a great place that I could frequent by ordering V-slots to the right length. Currently ony 2 lengths -1000mm & 1500mm are available and only balck anodized. I wish I could get the Vslot extrusions to 500mm length -or other lengths in multiple of 250mm(??)- in clear or black anodized but the main store just ignored such a request - understandably. I live in a small apartment and the long Vslots are cluttering up my wife's closet. I am willing to pay the extra labor cost and even participate in the amortization of your equipment.:thumbsup:
  25. Protodrake

    Protodrake Well-Known Builder

    Hey Gopal! Thanks for the encouragement. We have the capability to cut to length. Will add that to the store tonight as an option. Not sure why that didn't occur to us in the first place!
    Gopal likes this.
  26. Gopal

    Gopal Journeyman Builder

    Thank you - Thank you to the nth power!!!
  27. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Ok guys just added a few more updates to the build this morning. We now have a how to for better tool mounting straps as well as a how to for the spoiler board install. :thumbsup:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2014
    Mopar32985 and skarab like this.
  28. Mopar32985

    Mopar32985 Journeyman Builder

    Im not sure if you guys have mentiond HobbyCNC yet but i bought there 4 axis kit for this build. The board comes bare and you have to solder all of the components on it yourself. The kit was very well explained and actually was a joy to build. Since i dont have a machine yet i have hooked it up to my PC through a parallel port, and running on Mach 3. Everything is working great. Just thought i would bring this up its a great price and is built for handling the stronger Nema 23 steppers
    kram242 likes this.
  29. bobt

    bobt Journeyman Builder

    Mopar32985 - If you don't mind how much did you spend on HobbyCNC. Also what kind of cost is there on Mach 3?

    Just wanted to know.

  30. Mopar32985

    Mopar32985 Journeyman Builder

    No problem Bob. The kit i got was the 4 axis with the 305oz steppers it was $305. I know this build only used 3 nema 23 so i have an extra setpper and had to order a 6 or 8 wire nema 17. Mach3 cost $175. Here is a link to the kit i got.

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