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OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by kram242, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    We certainly are interested @Serge E. and I look forward to seeing the details of your build.:thumbsup:

  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Sounds great Serge E
  3. planga

    planga Well-Known Builder

    Hi Serge, I'm ready to pull the trigger and start ordering parts to build the OX. I'm curious to see how things go for you. Which board did you order? You said the Arduino, but can you give some specifics (model, cost, where you got it from, etc...) Can the board support a controller (as in "game" controller) to move the machine, is that even something that is desirable? Do you need to buy Mach 3 software or I see that some boards do not require the software, what's better? Sorry for so many questions. Thanks in advance!
    Last edited: May 11, 2014
  4. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman Builder

    Well, first batch of parts came in by mid day Friday. The steppers went to my front door, but I was at work. So they are in some hidden warehouse for the weekend to return Monday. Second and last batch of parts should be in early next week, including drivers, a piece of leadscrew, ... I might have the rig the mini Arduino (if possible) until the real one gets off the slow boat.

    Unless I missed anything, I should be able to assemble my OX next weekend - three days for us. Maybe do an "Hello world" with it at that point ?

    Tomorrow is mother's day and the weather is finally nice enough to use the pool. Got all the in laws coming for brunch pool side. Let's enjoy the sunny weekend.
  5. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman Builder

    Still working out some of the details on the electronic side. For at least short term, I went for the Arduino CNC Shield and 4x StepStick DRV8825 Pololu drivers from ProtoDrake here on canadian side of border. They should arrive Wednesday. It allows for 4 axis or one of x/y/z to be cloned.

    The Arduino itself will be an Uno R3, but I'll see if I can do a few basic tests using a Arduino Micro R3 even if just one axis at a time to test them one by one. This was one of lowest cost options, thus not a high worry if I somehow manage to get a bit of smoke. There are several Arduino based options ...

    Software wise, I'm still reading up, but first run will be to generate bits of g-code to pass to the Arduino GRBL and exercise my OX. Lots of open source options available.

    Of course, once I get confortable with the machine, I might need/want to go "better".

    I'll set up a build once I get a few pictures going, so probably next weekend, after I get the rest of my parts (around mid-week).
  6. Greenman

    Greenman Journeyman Builder

    Glad things are coming together Serge. Hope the stuff from me came safe and sound. Shipping is a killer I think UPS has raised it's prices you can send things priority mail for the same as UPS ground and they give you a box. Bill www.opensourceluthiersupply.com
  7. chip_breakin

    chip_breakin New Builder

    Can Someone please tell me the specs of the "acme"threaded rod from the openparts store? It appears that they list it as a Tr8mm ,8mm lead, with a 2mm pitch and its 4 starts. Can someone please confirm this? I want to source it from another company but have not been able to get a response from the openparts store in about a week. I know they are busy but I would hope they would get to emails a little quicker.
  8. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder


    You are correct, the TR8*8 is 8mm Diameter, 8mm Lead, 2mm Pitch, 4 Start, Acme thread form.

  9. chip_breakin

    chip_breakin New Builder

    Tweakie, thank you!

    It is right hand thread correct?

    If anyone else wants I can PM or post a link to the alternative source. They are based in the US and have a 10 day lead time. They can custom roll any thread.
  10. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Correct - Right Hand thread :thumbsup:

  11. chip_breakin

    chip_breakin New Builder

    Can someone tell me what I need here,

    In between the two xz gantry plates there are two 1/4in aluminum spacers, some 1mm precision shims and then another spacer, it measures in the skp file to be 5.3mm or .20in, but what spacer is this? It does not appear to be listed in the needed items list.

    Attached Files:

  12. thomasrotten

    thomasrotten New Builder

    I want to build a 1000x1500 oz cnc. i live in denmark so as i can sse the nearest place to by is im the uk. but they have a 6 weeks lead time and that i cant wait for as i have got a order in that needs to be delivered i 5 weeks. any of you dealers have a complete kit in stock somwhere. regards. thomas
  13. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman Builder

    So far all looks in good condition. most of the shipping expenses was 'ok' in my case ... except for that express DHL from China ! I'll look for a closer source next time, it will cut cost way down on those items (steppers and power supply).

    Second "half" of parts started arriving late yesterday at drop off in Detroit. I have to pick it up hopefully tonight. This time, I'll be sure to bring along the invoices. On the first batch last Friday, for some idiotic reason, I left the invoices on my desk at home. Maybe I thought a copy would be part of the packages ? Anyways, when I got to the Canadian border with the stuff and mentioned "CNC" with just an estimated value, it was not a very nice situation. As the older agent told me, it is not up to them to figure the value. He must also of thought "commercial" not realizing a homemade DIY CNC (router, I forgot to be precise) can be done at a relatively low cost in a garage. The fact I had no invoices certainly made things extremely bad for me... It is the stupidest thing anyone could of done ! Luckily for me, expensive looking parts, the extrusion, came with a packing slip with the prices shown. It was still difficult to convince it showed my true cost ... "this stuff is really expensive ... not 20$ a meter!" Offered to go on Internet to show it was and to check my emails for the invoices. Actually came much too close to loosing everything, including the car ! I'll definitely be on file with a red flag for quite some time at this point. I better have all my paperwork in perfect order.

    The steppers are getting to ride around since Friday when they first hit the Canadian border and my empty house. DHL does not have a local (public) pickup place nearby. I would need to drive two hours out of town ! Would of been easier to drop off in Detroit (and not forget paper work). But, tracking now shows they are back in a truck as of this morning. I"m at home (stomach acting up again), so I should get them.

    Build still looks like a go for this weekend. It will then be to convince the wife I need to build this machine for the good of all (wo)mankind. ;) Pool is nice and warm, weather should be hot and sunny... I can't stay too long in the sun (burn real easy), it should all work in my favour, eh?
    Chris Laidlaw and Robert Hummel like this.
  14. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    This is what works for me
    1/4 spacer, 5mm washer, wheel, 2 x 5mm washers, 1/4 spacer, 5mm washer, wheel, 5mm washer, 1/4 spacer
  15. chip_breakin

    chip_breakin New Builder

    Robert, do you offer your belt "clip" aluminum pieces for sale? If So how can I buy a few of those from you? I tried to Private message you on here but I never got a response. Thanks!
  16. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    What plates do you have ?
    If they are anything other then mine you will have to modify your plates for the clip to work in any way and it still wouldn't be used in the manor intended.
  17. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Ps sorry if I missed the pm I'm swamped with requests and such little time
  18. chip_breakin

    chip_breakin New Builder

    I copied your design from your "end plates" and also ported it over to my gantry plates. I'm machining some custom plates that give me an offset and raise my gantry a bit.

    I'm sure I could pick up some 3mm or 4mm 6061 and machine them but if you have some that I can buy off of you that would be great.

    It's a super cool design by the way!
  19. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Oh! Ok now it's clicking

    I will mill a set fast for ya how many do you need?
  20. chip_breakin

    chip_breakin New Builder

    Not a huge rush, I am using it on the 3 axis So I am assuming just 6? Is this how many you are using on your ox? Are you using the 6mm Gt3 belt from openbuilds? If so, how are you liking it so far?
  21. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Yes six and yes to the belts, I have not milled anything but do like it :)
    Here I was test fitting it and I think it's 5 mm wide it purchased from openbuilds "special ordered belt"
    I will be updating my build when it's complete with a review of how I like it.
  22. chip_breakin

    chip_breakin New Builder

    The opening in the "clips" and in the plates seems to be just under 7mm correct? I am pretty sure that should clear the 6mm width gt3 belting, I hope!
  23. Chris Laidlaw

    Chris Laidlaw Well-Known Builder

    So many receiving issues! No wonder your stomach is acting up. I hope you feel better soon! I hope you had no problem receiving my 4 gantry plates.
    chris Ox PLates.jpg
  24. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    It is 6.78mm wide and 4.85 high ;) plenty of room
  25. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I'm going to mill them ASAP so I don't forget, then mail via stamped mail.
    Start a conversation with me and send your full mailing address
  26. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman Builder

    Tell me about it... enough to get more than butterflies. The weather bouncing all over the place is not helping either.

    The plates look in perfect condition. I can hardly wait to start assembling ... I might actually start prep'ing tonight, if the stomach gets back on track, as I double check if I missed anything in my orders. Just read that the parts list of the OX build might of missed listing 1/4 spacers (?)
  27. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Shipped ;) hope it helps

    As for money lol, what's money between friends.
    Pay it forward ;)
    chip_breakin likes this.
  28. asb_79

    asb_79 Well-Known Builder

    I have no complaints with their service, ordering is simple.

    Ordered 6 Stepper motors (2804's & 1504's) on Thursday 8MAY and TNT attempted delivery on Monday 12MAY (my fault, I accidentally used my home address for delivery instead of work). I got them today, they were packed very well in a foam tray inside a cardboard carton, datasheets for the motors were also included.

    They cost me $26.5 each delivered. The cheapest locally available stepper is approx AUD$43 even eBay steppers from China are $40+

    Can't offer any feedback on the motors themselves at the moment

  29. chip_breakin

    chip_breakin New Builder

    Wow! Thanks man I really appreciate it.
  30. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman Builder

    StepperOnline seems great to deal with, shipped from China and arrived in Canada within 2 days. Fast processing and shipping. Can't ask better. As Anthony confirms, excellent prices. Product selection is almost limitless. Web site has specs sheets. The best found thus far. Just don't pick DHL as the carrier for delivery ! My package has been "inches" from my place since May 9 on their first delivery attempt. I had no signs of DHL, not even in their tracking system, of any further delivery attempt since - that's 2 full business days, not counting the weekend. Package took less time to travel halfway around the planet and pass through US and Canada customs than to do the "last mile".

    Monday - absolutely nothing from DHL, not even a tracking update on their web site much less an email of any kind on their part.

    Today - tracking showed the truck left at around 8am for delivery. I was home all day, sick, got two packages from Canada Post, UPS truck drove by, but no DHL anywhere to be seen or heard. It was 6pm, nearly 10 hours (!) after the fact, before their automated system sent me an email to say the delivery truck was on its merry way. It must of got lost along the way because it's now 11pm and still no signs of DHL or any updates on their tracking web site.

    That's 2 days to travel China-Canada passing two customs check points and yet 5 days have passed since to travel ~200 km (~125 miles) - if nearest pick up points are where my package spends the last few nights and weekend.

    Is there any hope ? I'll have to contact StepperOnline and let them know about this nightmare which is out of their hands beyond having the contract for expedited delivery.

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