OptoInterrupterShield for ProMini PiDuino HAT

by dewhisna.

2 layer board of 2.11x2.23 inches (53.49x56.67 mm).
Shared on March 14th, 2017 04:15.

The Optical Interrupter Protoshield board the for ProMini PiDuino HAT was designed to interface two off-the-shelf optical reflective sensors to the RPi via an Arduino ProMini.

The optical reflective sensors are used to detect the presence of an object by reflecting an infrared LED back to a phototransistor. The Arduino ProMini on the PiDuino HAT will allow “real-time” sensor timing with an accuracy of +/- 4uSec, using a standard 16MHz ProMini board.

Since the interface circuit required for the Optic Interrupter is small relative to the board size needed to fit the standard Arduino Uno pinout, this board was designed as a complete prototyping shield. The two test switches for testing the interrupter inputs have been left floating with breakout pads so they can be tied to any circuit. A reset button and user defined LED have been added in addition to a power LED and D13 LED.

Since the ProMini PiDuino HAT uses standard Arduino Uno footprints, this board can also serve as a prototyping shield for other Arduino boards and/or is interchangeable with either platform.

The V+ bus is tied to the IOREF voltage, allowing operation at either 3.3v or 5v and there’s extra connection pads for all Arduino I/O pins.

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