French translation of Intermediate Algorithm Scripting #7640
- Sum All Numbers in a Range
- Diff Two Arrays
- Roman Numeral Converter
- Where art thou
- Search and Replace
- Pig Latin
- DNA Pairing
- Missing letters
- Boo who
- Sorted Union
- Convert HTML Entities
- Spinal Tap Case
- Sum All Odd Fibonacci Numbers
- Sum All Primes
- Smallest Common Multiple
- Finders Keepers
- Drop it
- Steamroller
- Binary Agents
- Everything Be True
- Arguments Optional
- Additionner tous les nombres d'une série
- Comparer 2 arrays
- Convertir en nombres romains
- Où êtes vous ? (Litterally but would probably be better to translate as "Oh Roméo !")
- Chercher et remplacer
- Verlan britanique (pig latin is a British concept which doesn't exactly translate, the closest widely known thing would be verlan)
- Couples d'ADN
- Lettres manquantes
- Boo qui
- Couple arrangé
- Convertir les entités HTML
- Cas de ponction lombaire
- Additionner tous les nombre de Fibonacci impairs
- Additionner tous les nombres primaires
- Plus petit commun multiple
- Qui trouve garde
- Laisse tomber
- Rouleau compresseur
- Agent binaire
- Tout doit être vrai
- Arguments en option
I'm adding those to the json file along with the descriptions but I can't find the French version of the website. Is it WIP?
There won't be a french version until we've finished translating the whole curriculum.
Thanks. Use this for chatting in future:
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