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Problem Explanation:
- You need to write a function, which will take string encoded with Caesar cipher as a parameter and decode it.
- The one used here is ROT13 where the value of the letter is shifted by 13 places. e.g. 'A' ↔ 'N', 'T' ↔ 'G'.
- You have to shift it back 13 positions, such that 'N' ↔ 'A'.
Hint: 1
Use String.charCodeAt() to convert the English character to ASCII.
try to solve the problem now
Hint: 2
Use String.fromCharCode() to convert ASCII to English character.
try to solve the problem now
Hint: 3
Leave anything that doesn't come between A-Z as it is.
try to solve the problem now
Spoiler Alert!
Solution ahead!
Basic Code Solution:
function rot13(str) {
var nstr="";
for(var i=0; i<str.length; i++){
//Checks if character lies between A-Z
if(str.charCodeAt(i) < 65 || str.charCodeAt(i) > 90) {
nstr += String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i));
//N = ASCII 78, if the character code is less than 78, shift forward 13 places
if(str.charCodeAt(i) < 78){
nstr += String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i) + 13);
//Otherwise shift the character 13 places backward
nstr += String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i) - 13);
return nstr;
Code Explanation:
- A string variable
is declared and initialized to store the decoded string.- The for loop is used to loop through each character of the input string.
- If the character is not uppercase English alphabets(i.e. its ascii doesn't lie between 65 and 91 ), we'll leave it as it is and continue with next iteration.
- If it's the uppercase English alphabet, we'll subtract 13 from it's ascii code.
- If the ascii code is less than 78, it'll get out of range when subtracted by 13 so we'll add 26 (number of letters in English alphabets) to it so that after A it'll go back to Z. e.g. M(77) ↔ 77-13 = 64(Not an English alphabet) +26 = 90 ↔ Z(90)
Intermediate Code Solution:
//Solution with Regular expression and Array of ASCII character codes
function rot13(str) {
//retCharArray is an Array of character codes for the solution
var rotCharArray = [];
//regular expression for all upper case letter from A to Z
var regEx = /[A-Z]/ ;
//split str into a character array
str = str.split("");
//iterate over each character in the array
for (var x in str) {
//regEx.test(str[x]) will return (true or false) if it maches the regEx or not
if (regEx.test(str[x])) {
//checks if the new character code is greater or equal to 65 (letter A)
if (str[x].charCodeAt()-13 >= 65) {
} else {
} else {
//make a string with character codes from an array of character codes
str = String.fromCharCode.apply(String, rotCharArray);
return str;
// Change the inputs below to test
rot13("LBH QVQ VG!");
Advanced Code Solution:
function rot13(str) {
// Split str into a character array
return str.split('')
// Iterate over each character in the array, function(char) {
// Convert char to a character code
x = char.charCodeAt(0);
// Checks if character lies between A-Z
if (x < 65 || x > 90) {
return String.fromCharCode(x); // Return un-converted character
//N = ASCII 78, if the character code is less than 78, shift forward 13 places
else if (x < 78) {
return String.fromCharCode(x + 13);
// Otherwise shift the character 13 places backward
return String.fromCharCode(x - 13);
}).join(''); // Rejoin the array into a string
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thanks @anuragaryan @SaintPeter @vaskezu for your help with Algorithm: Caesar's Cipher
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